Why didnt Knights use spears?

Why didnt Knights use spears?

When knights fought, they would charge at each other on their horses from as far away as possible. They would try to spear each other with their lances or knock each other to the ground. Still, lances weren’t much use after the first charge – they often broke in the clash and were difficult to use in close-up fighting.

Are Spears effective weapons?

in general the spear is better for fighting than the sword. There are always exceptions but in general the spear is a better and more effective weapon than a sword. BUT the sword have some advantages it is easy to carry and easy to draw.

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Was spear the most used weapon?

The spear has been used throughout human history both as a hunting and fishing tool and as a weapon. It was used in virtually every conflict up until the modern era, where even then it continues on in the form of the fixed bayonet on a long gun, and is probably the most commonly used weapon in history.

How have spears and weapons similar to them transformed warfare?

Over and over again, spears and weapons similar to them have transformed warfare. Spears started out as hunting weapons. One step up from the primitive club, they were initially made by burning the end of a straight stick. Once it became pointed and hardened, that point was further refined by scraping.

Why are swords considered to be the most effective weapons?

Because they are PRACTICAL lengths for a bladed weapon to cut, thrust and reach an opponent. Typically, SWORDS are used as dueling and self defense weapons, and not combat weapons. Exceptions abound, but swords were used to fight OTHER swords, and people with knives, more than just about any other weapon.

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Is the sword a weapon in modern combat?

THE SWORD AS A WEAPON IN MODERN COMBAT. Throughout the history of man-to-man combat, fighters have sought to extend their lethal reach. The rock, the stick, the sword and spear are all age old examples of this. Archery and firearms are certainly extensions of this endeavor. However, the warrior has always had a need for specialized weapons.

Why aren’t swords used in other forms of war?

Swords are less prominent in other forms of conflicts and battlefields for a number of reasons. Swords, and the use of swords, are deeply rooted in a specific geocultural context.