
Why do females put on weight after marriage?

Why do females put on weight after marriage?

After marriage, fitness routine breaks and you get back to your earlier routine, making you gain that weight back. In India, the customs are such that a couple has to visit all the close relatives for meals after they are wed. You eat more and gain weight.

Why do guys gain weight when they get married?

marriage market theory suggests that unmarried men may stay trimmer in part to attract a spouse. Social obligation theory posits that people may gain weight because of social obligations associated with marriage, like parties and dinners with friends.

Do guys get fat after marriage?

The study found a link between being married and men gaining weight – with the early days of fatherhood adding to the problem. On average, married men had a higher BMI than their non-married counterparts, which equated to an extra 1.4kg (3lbs) on the scales.

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Why do girls get fat after marriage?

Let’s look at the reasons why girls get fat after marriage: 1. Feasting with fun after the wedding You diet to fit into the wedding outfit. Once the wedding is over and you’re set for the honeymoon, that’s when the feasting starts and newlywed weight gain begins.

What makes a woman gain weight in marriage?

SENSE OF SECURITY CAN ALSO LEAD TO WEIGHT GAIN: According to an article published in 2013 called ‘Health Psychology’, couples who feel secure, loved and happy are more likely to gain weight in their marriage. 07 /7 Is it only women? IS IT ONLY WOMEN?

What happens to your body when you get married?

As you walk away from singlehood and enter into wedlock, there are many changes that take place in a life of a couple. According to a study published in a daily journal ‘The Obesity’, 82\% couples average weight gain after marriage up to 5-10 kg after 5 years of their marriage and this increase of weight is mostly seen among women.

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Why do people who are dating tend to gain weight?

In other words, people who are dating are more likely to stay slender to keep the attention of their partner. Couples who are happy, satisfied and secure in their marriage are more likely to gain weight because they no longer feel any pressure to attract a mate, according to a 2013 article published in “Health Psychology.”.