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Why do I keep holding on to someone?

Why do I keep holding on to someone?

For many people who are holding onto someone who doesn’t love them, they’re doing so because they’re scared. They’re scared of how their person will react if they leave, of the words of anger that they might hear, and that things might get physical. They might also be scared that their person won’t let them go.

Why do we hold onto people who hurt us?

It distracts me from other pain, problems, and things. It is a way of avoiding responsibility. It keeps me from dealing with issues or people – It simplifies life. If you are a victim of pain you don’t have to be accountable.

Why do we hold onto toxic people?

Holding on to a toxic relationship often happens because we fear the pain that we will feel if we let go. But letting go of toxic love is very important for a happy life. Letting go of a toxic love is something that you can start doing right now!

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Why do I hold on so tight?

Emotionally sensitive people often struggle with trusting their internal experience. They are sometimes fearful they can’t manage their intense emotions on their own, so they look to others for help. This can lead to clinging or holding on too tightly to others.

How do I stop holding people?

Life expects something from you — to know the “why” of your existence. Let your “why” not be about pleasing others or living for them. Let it be something that makes you feel satisfied at the end of the day even if the results are not in your favor, something that makes you look forward to the next day.

What does hold on to someone mean?

(hold on to someone) to stop someone from leaving you or from doing what they want. A mother can’t hold on to her children for ever. Synonyms and related words. To stop someone doing something.

Why do we hang on to the past?

People hold onto the past because they confuse feeling with reacting. Think about it, if you grew up seeing anger as an outburst, or sadness as withdrawal, it would make sense that you would see emotions as a warning sign rather than an avenue for healing. The challenge is, in order to heal, you have to feel it.

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Why do I cling to a bad relationship?

We cling to things because they are comfortable. We cling to people because they know us and we know them. And when you know someone and know the relationship, it’s easy to predict what will happen. But sometimes the things we cling to and the people we care about are unknowingly toxic to our own growth and happiness.

Why do guys stay in bad relationships?

Fear of conflict. Usually, the longer you’ve been with someone, the more conflicted the process is. It is a sad reality that many men (and women) stay in unfulfilling relationships month after month, year after year, because they fear the pain involved in breaking up and moving on.

What’s another word for hold onto?

What is another word for hold onto?

clasp clutch
stick cling to
hold fast keep hold of
embrace enfold
cuddle squeeze

Why do we hold back from others?

There are basically three reasons why we hold back… We judge something about ourselves as unacceptable so we don’t want others to see it. We believe another person will judge something about us as unacceptable. We withhold as a way to punish the person we’re withholding from.

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What makes us hold onto stuff?

Well, in short, it is lack of knowledge that makes us hold onto stuff. To be more precise, it is the impartial, incomplete, and narrow belief system that focuses only on the self, not on other factors such as need, time, and feelings of others.

Why do we withhold things from others?

We believe another person will judge something about us as unacceptable. We withhold as a way to punish the person we’re withholding from. Think about it, either we withhold because we critically judge ourselves, we fear others will critically judge us, or because we want to punish the person we withhold from.

Why do people let go of their stuff?

The answer to “Why” is complicated, and helping someone to let go of their stuff (or to organize their belongings), begins with learning more about themselves. It’s a virtuous cycle. Clear your mind and then reorganize. Reorganize, and in turn, your mind will feel clearer. Plus, you may even remember where everything is!