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Why do I never text my friends first?

Why do I never text my friends first?

They assume you’re really busy and wouldn’t want to be contacted. They figure you’ll get in touch when you have time. Maybe you actually are busy. Maybe you were busier when you first knew them, and they’re still operating as if you don’t have much time to chat.

How often should I text a new friend?

It’s the kind of text you should try to send your friend about once every two or three months. It gives a friendship texture and depth and it’s a pleasure to receive.” A text like this will definitely put a smile on your friend’s face. You don’t have to be right beside each other in order to stroll down memory lane.

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Do you ever ask someone to text you first?

You can ask me to text you, first sometimes, and, if we’re friends, I will probably try. But I doubt I’d keep it up, because it’s just not who I am. The only time I text people is in response to their texts. Not everyone is as extreme as I am, but there are plenty of reserved people who tend to be repliers rather than instigators.

Why don’t my friends Text Me Back?

Your friends may not text you to chat because they know it won’t be the best experience. If you suspect this point applies to you, you can work on your communication skills (e.g., slowly facing your anxiety around talking on the phone , or learning to flesh out your responses and ask more questions when you’re texting.

Why would a friend want to text you about something?

They may want to text you about a funny piece of news they heard, but think they’d be pestering you, or that they’re boring to talk to, or that they’ll say something strange, or one of a dozen other worries. People can be especially anxious about initiating contact with newer friends, when they’re less sure of where they stand.

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Is it normal for a friend to not text or call?

If a friend doesn’t reach out much, it’s not always a sign that something is wrong. There are several benign reasons they may not message or call that often. I’ll cover those first, then go over a couple of ways something could be off about the relationship. After that I’ll lay out some options about what you can do.
