Tips and tricks

Why do I stalk my ex on Instagram?

Why do I stalk my ex on Instagram?

It’s not uncommon to stalk your ex on social media, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for you. “In most cases it means you are having a really hard time letting go and accepting that the relationship is over,” Leckie says. “In other cases, it could just mean that you are curious as to what they are up to.”

How do I stalk my ex on Instagram?

Pause that story in your Instagram app. And after you’ve held the story in place, you can begin to slide that story aside to “peek” into the window of the story you really want to see, but don’t slide it all the way open otherwise your visit will register.

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Is it bad to stalk your ex on social media?

Whether you’ve just broken up or it’s been a while, stalking an ex on social media or in-person has devastating effects. You may want to stop, but no matter what ultimatums you give yourself… there you are once again, countless times a day stalking your ex, his friends, his family, his new girlfriend, her dog (+ every girl he follows).

How to stop stalking your ex-boyfriend?

If you Google “how to stop stalking your ex,” here are a few things that immediately come up… Delete/unfriend/block him. Ask your friends for some tough love. Implement a “stalk jar.” Stay busy.

Is Insta-stalking ruining your relationship?

“If you wish you could stop engaging in this behavior, and you don’t, many times you’ll end up feeling worse about yourself and what you’re doing,” Torgerson adds. Insta-stalking damages your ability to move forward and keeps you focused on your past relationship, rather than being open to new relationships, romantic or otherwise.

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Is it okay to stalk someone you’re not with anymore?

Sure, the connotations of stalking someone you’re not with anymore is a little dark, but it’s actually a way to help you heal from the breakup and move on in many cases. Trust me. I’m just as surprised as you are by this news, y’all.