
Why do INFJ hate compliments?

Why do INFJ hate compliments?

INFJs are often very willing to dish out compliments to people, and enjoy seeing people smile. They still might argue against them, and attempt to ensure that person that they aren’t as great as they think. INFJs are very hard on themselves, and sometimes do not believe the praise they are receiving.

What irritates INFJ?

INFJs detest attention-seeking behaviors and melodrama. Their strong intuition combined with their awareness of emotions makes it easy for them to spot when someone is being fake or is always seeking the spotlight. Emotionally manipulative movies and TV shows also get on their nerves.

Can INFJs be arrogant?

Short and honest answer: Yes. There are a lot of factors that go into arrogance than just the person’s mbti, though. And with the right conditioning, such as their childhood environment, self esteem, and friend groups can make an INFJ unbalanced and eventually possibly even arrogant.

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How do INFJs react to compliments?

INFJs are often very willing to dish out compliments to people, and enjoy seeing people smile. They often enjoy praise from their loved ones, but it can also make them feel a bit bashful. They will usually feel extremely awkward when someone compliments them in person, and might be too shy to react well.

Why do intjs hate being complimented?

They feel like they will have to react a certain way when someone compliments them, which can sometimes feel insincere to the INTJ. They dislike being forced to feel a certain way about something, making compliments confusing for them. They are often very critical of themselves, which can make praise almost an annoyance to them.

What personality traits do INFJs have?

INFJs are often very willing to dish out compliments to people, and enjoy seeing people smile. They often enjoy praise from their loved ones, but it can also make them feel a bit bashful.

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Why do INFPs feel awkward around compliments?

The compliments might make the INFP feel awkward, simply because it is drawing a lot of attention to them. ENFPs often enjoy compliments a lot, even if they act a bit awkward when receiving them. They might attempt to pass them off, especially if they are trying to appear humble.