
Why do Japanese men give their money to their wives?

Why do Japanese men give their money to their wives?

Japanese housewives almost always control the household budget. They ensure the family is run efficiently and that money is put away for a rainy day. The husband gives his pay check to his wife. In return he gets an allowance back.

Do Japanese men give their salary to their wives?

In at least half of Japanese married households, the wife controls the budget and allocates a proportion of her husband’s salary for spending money known as “okozukai”—which covers mobile phone bills, drinks, cigarettes, and entertainment.

Is it good to tell your wife your salary?

If your spouse asks, tell him or her how much you earn. Both parties should have a fair idea of what each party earns; ‘fair’ being the key word,” she further said. A marriage counsellor, Mrs. Bose Fawehinmi, said the ideal situation is for couples to be transparent about their finances from the start.

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What is Okozukai?

Okozukai is usually translated as “pocket money” or “allowance,” but the main point is that it is money “given” to someone by another person who, implicitly, controls it. In Japan, traditionally, the wife handles the finances even if the husband is the sole breadwinner.

What is Hesokuri?

From feudal society to empire and democracy, the tradition of hesokuri, which literally means “belly-button money,” has been kept alive by the savvy, and thrifty, women of Japan.

When a wife is not entitled to maintenance from her husband?

Special Marriage Act, 1954 Section 36 of this secular legislation, applicable to all persons who solemnize their marriage in India, provides that a wife is entitled to claim pendente lite maintenance, if she does not have sufficient independent income to support her and for legal expenses.

What does Hesokuri mean in Japanese?

money hidden in the navel
This situation is partly the reason for the flipside of okozukai: hesokuri-gane, which means “money hidden in the navel,” and usually shortened to just hesokuri. Westerners might call it “pin money.” It is cash that housewives regularly stash away without telling their husbands.