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Why do men want to marry younger girls?

Why do men want to marry younger girls?

Most men marry younger women. This has been attributed to men selecting young women due to their high reproductive value and women preferring older men due to their wealth and high social status.

What attracts a younger woman to an older married man?

They seek a mentor, a friend and someone to give them advice. In the process, these younger women get attracted to the wisdom and maturity of older men and fall for them. Especially a woman, who has been emotionally distant with her father all her life, will want an older man who would give her that emotional security.

How can an older woman compete with a younger woman?

“Older woman, up to a certain age, can compete with younger women based purely on physical attractiveness,” says Fieldman. They are more prone to choose a beautiful woman, regardless of her age, if it means increasing the chances their offspring will have a better chance in life later on.

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Why are older women still attracted to younger men?

Sonia Recchia/Getty Images While the beginning of their romance is undoubtedly scandalous, it remains unclear why we still find it shocking when an older woman marries a younger man. “Women who are fun-loving and have lots of energy are attracted to younger men because they’re a great match.

How to know if a woman is attracted to you?

Women like to do the same. So if an older woman touches you in a way that seems flirtatious, you shouldn’t doubt her interest in you. Physical touch is one of the biggest signs of attraction between men and women. So make sure to keep an eye out for women who are more touchy-feely around you than usual.

What makes a woman want to marry a younger man?

“Women who are fun-loving and have lots of energy are attracted to younger men because they’re a great match. The draw is to feel young,” says Nicole McCance, a relationship psychologist in Toronto. “When men marry younger women, it’s tied to ego and self-worth.”

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What does it mean when a young man wants an older woman?

Younger men are eager to learn as much as possible and better teach them than an older woman. Some young men seek the wisdom and knowledge that they’ve not been exposed to in their lives. An older woman symbolizes the rock he needs to gain that wisdom or help them through tough life challenges.