
Why do my Instagram comments go to the top?

Why do my Instagram comments go to the top?

It’s literally just a caption for the photo. It stays at the top to explain exactly what the photo is, if you use it for that. Instagram used to have a chronologically arranged feed but now it is not that way anymore so the more likes and comment you get, the upper your post would be on the feed.

Are Instagram comments in order?

Inbox View: Comments are shown in chronological order, with the most recent comment first. Post View: Comments are sorted by post, with the most recently published post first.

What does it mean when someone comments top?

the top comment above it!! They’re referring to/agreeing with the previous comment.

How does Instagram decide which comments to show?

It usually has to do with the algorithm Instagram uses when deciding who will see your posts, or which profiles you have recently viewed yourself. If you’ve viewed profiles recently or they’ve viewed your posts recently then those tend to be the ones displayed at the top for accounts that viewed your story.

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How do you see top comments on Instagram posts?

If you want to comment on a post in Instagram, ‘Like’ the post before commenting. In case, if you want to check your comment, you can see your liked posts from your account settings page and find your comment….Clicking that box will display choices for:

  1. Most relevant.
  2. Newest.
  3. All Comments.

How do you know which comment is first on Instagram?

You’ll see a text box called “First Comment.” Enter your hashtags or any text you’d rather have in the first comment. Schedule your post as usual (including adding your Linkin. bio link!) and the first comment is scheduled along with it. You’re done!

What does top in Instagram mean?

The top on Instagram means that shown Instagram account is closer to your words written in the search bar. It might happen for you to search for something on Instagram and you see the research results come into different categories. The first categories named “Top” which means the closest results to your search.

What is top search on Instagram?

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It basically means that whoever’s handle shows up at the top of your suggestions list is someone you’ve searched an unnatural amount of times and/or share many of the same photo likes.

Why is there a difference between the number of comments that Instagram shows us with the number of comments that are under the Post?

The difference between the numbers This is a good indicator of ad performance as it shows us how engaged the audience you selected was and whether the targeting was effective.

How do you know if you’re Shadowbanned on Instagram?

If your posts don’t show up on the hashtag feeds of the person who doesn’t follow you (even after checking twice), you are shadowbanned. Another way to check is to view your Instagram Insights every day and look out for a sudden and sustained drop in the number of followers that you get.

What if post has the most comments?

An Indian Punjabi singer SIDHU MOOSE WALA with over 5.9 million followers, has set the records with 3 million comments in 24 hours on his Instagram post. Indians are a great fan of Punjabi music and this craze made his post to be the most commented one!

Why can’t I comment on someone’s Instagram posts?

Here are some possibilities: 1 hashtags on a single post. 2 You posted multiple, duplicate comments (including emoji). 3 You have a brand-new account and are trying to comment on numerous big accounts. 4 You’ve included banned words or phrases. 5 That account has blocked you, or a word you used, from comments on their posts.

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How many mentions can I include in a comment on Instagram?

You can only include up to 5 @ mentions in a single comment. You can only include up to 30 #hashtags on a single photo. You can’t post multiple, duplicate comments (including emoji) Follow maximum of 7,500 people.

What are some of the limitations of Instagram?

Here are some limitations taken off directly from their FAQs and a few other places. You can only include up to 5 @ mentions in a single comment. You can only include up to 30 #hashtags on a single photo. You can’t post multiple, duplicate comments (including emoji) Follow maximum of 7,500 people. 350 likes per hour.

Why do the same people keep appearing on my Instagram story?

IF the same people keep popping up at the top of your Instagram Story views there may be a good reason why. While a theory exists that it may have to do with who stalks you the most there are actually several factors at play. The people who appear at the top of your watched list has nothing to do with who watched it first, The Metro reports.