
Why do narcissists bait you?

Why do narcissists bait you?

1. Instigating crazymaking arguments. Narcissists and psychopaths are well-known for a tactic known as “baiting.” They deliberately provoke you so that you emotionally react and swallow their blameshifting hook, line, and sinker. With a narcissist, you are not dealing with someone who will listen to reason.

Do narcissists use the silent treatment?

The silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse typically employed by people with narcissistic tendencies.

What does it mean when a narcissist gives you the silent treatment?

When a narcissist stonewalls you or subjects you to the silent treatment, they want you to respond. They want you to chase after them and “beg” for their attention. They want to provoke you. They want to control and diminish you.

How does a narcissist feel when you don’t follow their program?

Narcissists feel they must be in the control seat over you… Narcissists have an attitude of entitlement and superiority, which perpetuates a condescending attitude. And when you do not fall in line with their program they become quite upset, the narcissist either becomes quite vocal, or you get the narcissist silent treatment.

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Why does the narcissist ignore and belittle you?

So, that’s the why – the narcissist ignores and belittles and devalues you because it plays on your fear of being alone. It is his hope that in enacting this silent narcissistic rage against you, he will force you into submission and into being the good little narcissistic supply he needs.

How to deal with emotional pain caused by a narcissist?

Support groups can be extremely helpful in dealing with emotional pain. Our Inner Warrior circle includes a private Facebook group specifically for individuals who are on their own healing journeys. The bad side of staying in a relationship with a narcissist is that it keeps you stuck in a hopeless situation.