
Why do people create excuses?

Why do people create excuses?

But what are excuses, really? Excuses are rationalizations we make to ourselves about people, events, and circumstances. They are invented reasons we create to defend our behavior, to postpone taking action or simply as a means of neglecting responsibility.

What is the value of making excuses?

Psychology Behind Excuses They serve to protect us and reduce dissonance and emotional distress. We use all kinds of excuses to rationalize our behaviors or choices we make. As humans, we make excuses all the time. It’s part of our subconscious coping mechanism that protects our ego.

What do you call a person who always has an excuse?

Someone truly always making excuses rather than offering explanations or reasons is called ‘A liar’.

What is the origin of excuses?

Excuses are almost as old as the human family. Way back in the Garden of Eden when Adam sinned against the Lord, he said to God, “The woman thou gavest me, she caused me to sin” (See Genesis 3:12). And the woman tried to put the blame on the serpent. Both Adam and Eve tried to make excuses.

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Do you keep making excuses to overcome obstacles?

Obstacles in life are plentiful. You can keep making excuses, or you can address them one excuse at a time. The one who achieves most is often the one most willing to overcome excuses. What excuse are you using to stall on God’s plan?

Did Adam and Eve make excuses?

Both Adam and Eve tried to make excuses. And from that day on down to the present time, people have been making excuses and alibis whenever they are faced with activities and decisions which are disliked. In Luke 14 we have the record of a parable that Jesus told.

What are you asking to be excused from?

If you are one who is rejecting Jesus Christ as Savior and as the Master of your life—think of what you are asking to be excused from: You are asking to be excused . . . . from the society of those who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb I have missed a few appointments in life, but by the grace of God, I mean to make sure of this one.