Tips and tricks

Why do people like their own comment on Facebook?

Why do people like their own comment on Facebook?

“Liking” your own posts gives those posts a little extra nudge in terms of engagement. Having at least one “Like” draws attention to a post and gives it a little extra perceived importance in the minds of your friends and page “Likers”.

Is it weird to like your own post?

While some people reacted in pure disgust at the very thought of someone liking their own post, others say it’s perfectly acceptable. What do you think? The consensus around here is that it’s unnecessary; obviously you “like” what you posted or else you wouldn’t have posted it in the first place.

What happens when you like your own post on Facebook?

This is where “Liking” your own posts comes into play. When you “Like” a post, that action is noted in your friends’ ticker boxes, giving them a chance to at least be made aware that you have posted something even if it doesn’t show up in their news feeds.

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What does it mean when people like your post?

3. “More people need to see this!” Some people said they like posts as a way to make sure they get more eyeballs, dishing them out only when they see content that’s truly exceptional. “To me [a like is] an upvote, like in Reddit,” one respondent wrote.

Should you comment on your own Facebook post?

Commenting and replying on your own Facebook posts are a great way to build a more active connection with your audience and strengthen your presence on Facebook. Replying to comments on your Facebook post encourages people to comment more and start a discussion.

What happens when you get a lot of likes on Facebook?

The more Likes you get on your posts, the more Likes you’ll get on your page. And the more Likes you get on your page (the more followers you get), the more Likes you’ll get on your posts.

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How often should you post on FB?

How often to post on Facebook. It is generally recommended to post 1 time per day, and no more than 2 times per day. In fact, some studies have even found a drop in engagement if you’re posting more than that… so don’t get too post-happy. Aim for quality over quantity.

Why can I only like Facebook posts?

Make sure you are correctly logged in to your Facebook account when trying to like and comment. Clearing your browser’s data cache, restarting your browser, updating the browser software to the latest version and disabling any Facebook-related extensions can all help to resolve the problem.

Does liking a post mean anything?

Social media users see affirmation when they receive a thumbs-up or a heart. In the daily life of any social media user, there is nothing so needy as the moment — or, let’s be honest, moments — we check to see how many people have reacted to our posts. …

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Why do some people like every post?

There’s actually scientific proof of this: Studies have shown that not only do we experience a release of dopamine when we post something on social media, but an area of the brain called the nucleus accumbens lights up the same way as when we think about fun things like sex and food and money.