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Why do people run away from someone they love?

Why do people run away from someone they love?

Some people can’t help but push their partners away because of a fear of intimacy. Sometimes this is because they had a tough upbringing, and find it difficult to connect with people. Others may have been through trauma later on, such as an abusive relationship.

When you have feelings for someone do they ever go away?

According to Gerardi, fighting feelings for someone tends to happen when we feel worried or doubtful. “The thing about emotions and feelings, though, is that even when we push them away and fight them, they don’t actually go away,” Gerardi says. “When we do this to our emotions, it’s really only a temporary solution.”

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What suppress feelings mean?

If you suppress your feelings or reactions, you do not express them, even though you might want to.

Why do I get scared when I have feelings for someone?

The reason why you are afraid when you develop feelings for someone, is because you’re afraid they’ll leave. Deep down inside, you don’t feel like you are good enough for them, and when they realize they’ll run; this is why the sex is easy but the emotions are difficult, and also why you might like jerks.

What happens when you don’t thresh out your feelings?

If these feelings aren’t threshed out, then people won’t be able to find contentment in their life. At worst, they may even descend to fits of depression. “Life is too short to hide your feelings. Don’t be afraid to say what you feel.” – Unknown 1. They put a positive spin on the negative things in their life.

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Does running away from problems really work?

The truth is running away can work … until it doesn’t. Sometimes, the ultimate realization that a person isn’t really okay could be more painful and destructive than dealing with those feelings when they first come around. 4. They’d rather deal with other people’s problems than theirs.

Why do some people repress their feelings?

While people who repress their feelings might try to make themselves busy, some withdraw from the important people in their lives as their coping mechanism. They do this to avoid confronting their emotions, which are likely triggered by the ones they are running away from. “Out of sight, out of mind” might work for a while.