Tips and tricks

Why do people Stan K-Pop?

Why do people Stan K-Pop?

Originally Answered: What does Stan mean in Kpop? [Music] [Kpop]? To Stan a group means you follow them on all social media, always know what’s going on, and try to be involved as much as u can with them. It can be hard tho sometimes, since theirs a lot going on lol.

How do I tell my parents about Kpop?

If you like your parents, try to understand them and take it slowly. You can slowly tell them about things k-pop did to you, what idols did for people, what do you admire about them. Many of them donate money, are really polite, humble, working hard, try to show them this side.

Is it bad to be a Stan?

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When we like something, we stan it, when we’re rooting for someone, we stan them. But when stans can be guilty of such toxic behavior, such as speaking violently to their faves on Twitter, nasty infighting, doxing journalists or bullying “haters,” it does well-meaning fans a disservice to lump them in together.

What is a K-Pop Stan?

Wait, what’s a K-pop stan? A K-pop stan is a borderline obsessive fan of a Korean pop music band or artist. BTS and Blackpink are the two K-pop acts most commonly “stanned.”

Who are the most dedicated K-pop fans in the world?

Fans of groups like BTS and Blackpink are some of the most dedicated in the world. These stan groups are massive; they’re also global, coordinated and extremely active online. That’s why, even if you know nothing about K-pop, you’ve probably still heard of its stans.

Why do K-pop fans spam on Twitter?

If you’ve hung around the internet long enough, you know K-pop stans are notorious for spamming social-media platforms, mainly Twitter, with hashtags and “fancams” of their idols, with the goal of getting hashtags to trend, thereby maximizing views of music videos and “fancams,” and ultimately, boosting their idols’ exposure.

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Is stanstanning bad for pop culture?

Stanning has only become more common over the past two decades, but that ubiquity comes with a downside. Pop culture has had an issue with toxic, controlling super-fandom for so long that there’s a “Saturday Night Live” sketch about it.