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Why do periods make you feel weird?

Why do periods make you feel weird?

Excess prostaglandins can cause your cramps to be worse than normal, because they can contract the muscles in your uterus. Some prostaglandins can also constrict blood vessels throughout your body, which can cause headaches and make you light-headed.

Why am I scared to get my period?

This hormonal rollercoaster can affect neurotransmitters in your brain, such as serotonin and dopamine, which are associated with mood regulation. This may partly explain the psychological symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, and mood swings, that happen during PMS.

Do first periods hurt?

Girls commonly experience pain and tightness in their lower abdomen and back around the start of their period. These cramps are usually mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers, but you should talk to your daughter’s doctor if her cramps are severe.

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What does a woman lose during her period?

Can your period cause this? The average woman loses 60 milliliters — about 2 ounces — of blood during her period. Women with heavier periods (menorrhagia) typically lose 80 milliliters (2.7 ounces) of blood.

Why is my period lighter than normal?

This can happen for a number of reasons, but Dr. Herta says it may be due to the fact that you didn’t ovulate that cycle which can happen on occasion. “When that happens, your period will be heavier or lighter than usual,” she says. It’s not cause for concern: Dr. Herta says it’s “completely normal.”

Is it normal to have weird periods for a month?

Of course, some weird period issues are actually a sign that something’s off. Dr. Herta recommends talking to your doctor if your cycles are really irregular, meaning they have more than a 10-day variation, or if you’re in serious pain each month during your period.

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Why am I always hungry during my period?

Well, snacking on foods that are high on the glycemic index (like chips and brownies) can, in turn, trigger your body to produce more ghrelin and other hunger-inducing chemicals, explains Dr. Greves. To help keep your appetite steady, make sure you’re eating a wide range of nutrient-rich whole foods before and during your period, she says.

Why does my period smell bad when I get Up?

“If you’ve been lying down or sitting for a long period of time, blood will collect in your vagina,” Dr. Herta explains. “When you get up, that pool of blood will come out.” It’s a Little Smelly Down There Sure, it’s not the best part of having your period, but sometimes a funky odor can develop.
