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Why do smart people read comics?

Why do smart people read comics?

Evidence and research is stacking up to prove that comic books make their readers smarter. Comics make you want to read, and they use complex language which improves verbal intelligence. Like steroids for the mind, comics can even take struggling readers and make them stronger!

Are comic books good for your brain?

After much observing and researching, they have arrived on the conclusion that reading comic book makes you smarter! Comics use visual language to convey information, which is a much better way for children to improve reading skills, communication skills and cognitive functions.

Why do people read comic books?

Why do people honestly read comic books? Some people post that they read comic books to escape from reality, but if that were so true then why do intergalactic comic books such as Silver Surfer crash, and burn due to low sales yet other comic books such such as Daredevil do so well? They’re entertaining.

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Why do people like comic books like Daredevil?

Comics like Daredevil are very psychologically complex and believable, and deal with conflicts that are ultimately just exaggerated or intensified versions of conflicts that exist in the real world. Its like melodrama but not only making the drama theatric, but also the combat and violence.

What are the disadvantages of being a smart person?

Smart people are more often alone. They know how much they don’t know. They’re more likely to fall prey to stereotypes. They’re more easily distracted. They’re weighed down by expectations.

Why are smart people more prone to doubt their intelligence?

Smart people are clever enough to know how much they don’t know. In real life this means it’s actually the brightest who are often the most tormented by doubt and they’re also the most likely to suffer from imposter syndrome. They’re more likely to fall prey to stereotypes.