
Why do the Dementors go after Harry so much?

Why do the Dementors go after Harry so much?

The Dementors could feel the presence of two souls in Harry’s body and that drew them more towards him than others. The dementors go after Harry in the Harry Potter books mainly cause of his childhood trauma which resulted in his parents dying in front of his eyes.

Are Dementors with Voldemort’s side?

Interestingly despite being considered natural allies to dark wizards, the Dementors did not side with the Death Eaters in the First Wizarding War nor did Voldemort appear to try and recruit them.

Does Dementor exist?

Prepare To Be Terrified: A Real-Life Dementor Has Been Spotted In The Muggle World. Dementor’s are real. For anyone who’s a bit rusty on the Dementor front, they’re described by JK Rowling as being “the foulest creatures that walk this Earth” who “drain peace, hope, and happiness out the air around them.”

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Do Dementors exist in the Harry Potter universe?

Wizards and witches have managed to coexist with most other magical creatures, but Dementors are one line they seem unwilling to cross. Dementors are completely concentrated around Azkaban, but the torment that they inflict on their prisoners is something that many witches and wizards have found inhumane.

Are the Dementors the scariest beasts of the magical realm?

These are the true scary beasties of the magical realm… The first time we meet the Dementors is in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. There is Harry, happily relaxing in his carriage next to a snoozing Lupin when suddenly things go dark and, frankly, terrifying.

Was Voldemort a fan of the Dementors?

It’s only natural that Voldemort would be a fan of Dementors. Anything that can gain him more power and control as well as hurt the people he’s trying to subjugate would have been right up his alley. As a part of their deal with the Ministry of Magic, the Dementors stand guard at Azkaban, the wizard’s prison.

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Why can’t Harry feel the effects of the Dementors?

When Harry is undercover in the Ministry of Magic he can’t use his Patronus to protect himself, so instead he just thinks of the happiest thoughts and memories that he can. Also, when Harry’s loved ones briefly ‘return’ because of the Resurrection Stone, he can’t feel the effects of the Dementors, even though they’re nearby.
