
Why do they go to Endor in Return of the Jedi?

Why do they go to Endor in Return of the Jedi?

The battle began after the Alliance Fleet assembled near Sullust, and special operations ground forces were deployed to Endor to disable the shield protecting the armored battle station. The Alliance Fleet soon arrived to discover the Imperial Navy waiting for them, along with a fully operational Death Star.

How many rebels died in the Battle of Endor?

Outcome. Over 175 Rebel pilots killed or injured (35\%), including: Arvel Crynyd.

What was Darth Vader’s shuttle called?

ST 321
ST 321 was a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle that Darth Vader used to travel to DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station to oversee the final stages of its construction.

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What was Palpatine’s ship called?

Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine traveled aboard his personal shuttle. Heavily modified, the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle featured a cloaking device that rendered it invisible to all known forms of energy.

What happened at the Battle of Endor in Star Wars?

The Battle of Endor, also known as the Mission to Endor, was a decisive battle of the Galactic Civil War, one in which the Alliance to Restore the Republic shattered the rule of the Galactic Empire and saw the destruction of the DS-2 Death Star and the deaths of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader.

What happened to the strike team after landing on Endor?

The strike team is held captive by Imperial troops. After landing on Endor, the commandos were separated from General Solo when he took the command crew off to search for Princess Leia, who had become separated from the team.

Why did Palpatine bring Darth Vader to Endor?

As part of Emperor Palpatine’s preparations for the upcoming battle, he arranged for Darth Vader to arrive from Coruscant to Endor in order to ensure with the overseer of its construction, Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod, that the Death Star II’s weapons systems were completed by the time the Emperor arrived at the station.

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What happened to Han Solo and the strike team on Endor?

Han Solo and the Endor strike team prepared for boarding the Accuser. Following the destruction of the shield generator, the strike team assisted the Ewoks in mopping up the final pockets of Imperial resistance. Despite the battle continuing to rage overhead, the Alliance managed to send ground reinforcements to Endor to assist the commando team.