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Why do we hide our emotional pain from others?

Why do we hide our emotional pain from others?

Having explored many of the reasons why we hide our emotional pain from others, in closing I’d like to suggest the primary reason not to. In brief, if we don’t let others know that what they’ve said or done has hurt us, they’re likely to continue doing exactly what they have been.

Why do we try to conceal hurt feelings?

Why We Try to Conceal Hurt Feelings There are many different reasons that we may endeavor to hide, or disguise, the emotional pain that comes in the wake of negative beliefs about ourselves evoked by a particular person or situation. But what they have in common is that they’re all fear-induced.

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Why do we hide our emotional fragility?

But what they have in common is that they’re all fear-induced. Perhaps paramount among our tendencies to conceal our emotional fragility from others is the fear that exposing it would make us look weak to them—and, indeed, make us feel weak and powerless ourselves.

Why don’t we show our hurt to other people?

It’s as though in “exhibiting” our hurt we’re forfeiting our personal power, relinquishing it to them to use over us in any way they deem fit. There are probably some sexual differences here, too. Men, for example, are especially likely to avoid divulging wounded feelings for fear that doing so will compromise their felt sense of masculinity.

Why don’t we let out our feelings for others?

If we’re codependent (i.e., feeling more responsible for the feelings of others than for our own), we may also fear that freely expressing our emotions could launch some kind of emotional contagion. Afraid that openly letting out our hurt might somehow be infectious, we may hold it in, unwilling to take the chance of making anyone else upset.

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What are the rules for helping those in emotional pain?

The rules for helping those in emotional pain are based less on diagnosis and procedures, and more on personal style. Some rush to help, often confusing “fixing” with helping.

Why do emotionally hurt people get offended easily?

Emotionally hurt people get offended easily because as mentioned above they are highly sensitive. This is the reason why they could become defensive and react aggressively in trivial situations. Very often they would feel offended when others joke with them even if it is not in a mean way.