Why does an Infj withdraw?

Why does an Infj withdraw?

INFJs Also Withdraw When They Have Been Hurt Being hurt is another thing that causes INFJs to withdraw silently. If it’s a serious hurt, you may find yourself at the receiving end of something called the INFJ door slam, which is pretty much permanent.

How do INFJs move on?

Talking with someone or writing down what you’re thinking about is often the best way for INFJs to move on rather than become obsessive.

Are INFJ detached?

If that person does not come around or put forth effort, then ultimately the INFJ will be capable of detaching. They will close the door on that relationship and will disconnect from the person who continued to hurt them. ENFJs are compassionate people who can often understand and be patient when others make mistakes.

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What does withdrawal feel like for INFJs?

Withdrawal causes more pain to an INFJ than you can ever imagine. You see, we’re not just leaving you. We are departing from the memories, the good moments, all the smiles, and from everything we invested our whole being into.

Are INFJ’s emotional?

Deep emotions are the foundation of the INFJ personality. They don’t just define us, but also shape our relationships, and even encounters with strangers. You can never tell us not to be so emotional, because that’s not who we are. If you ever see an INFJ being reserved and starting to withdraw, start worrying.

How to deal with an INFJ who is Ruining Your Life?

Give yourself the permission to withdraw from anyone who causes you to feel miserable, my dear INFJ. You’re not running away, you are protecting yourself. The people who are meant to stay in your life will never intentionally hurt you. They will notice the slightest change in your behavior, INFJ or not.

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How do INFJs act when they are in the grip?

You may walk through your house and become hyperaware of all the things that need fixing or that are out of place. External blame often pops up for INFJs in the grip, too. If you stub your toe on your bed, you may immediately get mad at the bed for being there (or the person who put it there)!
