
Why does every country need a government?

Why does every country need a government?

A government serves as a central governing authority for the people who form a country. People need a centralized regulating authority that is the driving force in the growth and development of their nation. A government plays a major role in developing and maintaining economic security in society.

How does the government inform the public?

It must also announce and explain new policies, as well as involve the public in different stages of policymaking. Some examples of how central government communicates with the public include: Public campaigns on radio, television and the internet to inform people about government policy.

What obligations does the US government have to its citizens?

U.S. citizens must comply with certain mandatory obligations, including: Obeying the law. Every U.S. citizen must obey federal, state and local laws, and pay the penalties that can be incurred when a law is broken. Paying taxes.

Why is trust important in a leader?

When a leader speaks it is important to be able to have confidence in the honesty, truthfulness, and sincerity of the words. Trust is the glue that binds the leader to her/his followers and provides the capacity for organizational and leadership success.

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Is it legal for the government to listen to your phone?

On the Phone While it’s not legal for the government to listen to the content of private landline or cell phone conversations conducted entirely within the U.S., the National Security Agency is allowed to collect phone call metadata (i.e.: time, date, location, phone numbers of each party), and has been doing so since 2001, says Bakke.

Can the government watch you through your TV?

While You Watch TV In the not-so-distant future, your couch-potato time may become a public experience. “There is technology that’s built-in to so-called ‘smart’ TVs, which would allow the cable company (or potentially the government) to watch you through your television,” says Bakke.

Why don’t Americans trust the federal government?

2 Nearly two-thirds (64\%) say that low trust in the federal government makes it harder to solve many of the country’s problems. About four-in-ten (39\%) who gave follow-up answers on why this was the case cite domestic concerns, topped by immigration and border issues, health care, racism and race-related issues, or guns and gun violence issues.

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Should we listen to the views of young people?

Some would say we shouldn’t listen to the views of young people because they cannot have formed grown up opinions. We disagree. The voice of young people matters precisely because they are young. Lots of policies and services affect them already, and if they don’t yet they soon will.