
Why does Frodo has to leave at the end?

Why does Frodo has to leave at the end?

Frodo Baggins had to leave Middle-Earth because he needed to live in peace from his injuries in the Undying Lands. He suffered plenty of wounds during the story but some of them took their toll on the hobbit. Frodo did indeed recover but he never healed physically and emotionally.

Why does Bilbo and Frodo leave Middle-earth?

Bilbo was going, because he was living with Elrond, and Elrond was leaving; meanwhile Frodo was going because he was so wounded from the war with the Ring, and there was no help for him in Middle Earth, while in the Undying Lands he could live a happy life; so Queen Arwen asked Gandalf to talk to the Valar, and get …

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Where did Bilbo and Frodo go at the end of LOTR?

Frodo leaves Middle-earth for the Undying Lands with Gandalf, Bilbo, Elrond, Celeborn, and Galadriel. This is considered a mystical land, home to the Valar, ‘angelic’ beings, also known as the ‘masters of spirits’.

Are the Undying Lands heaven?

No, the undying lands were in the beginning simply where the Valar decided to make their homes. I heard a good explanation one time saying that they are the undying lands not because you become immortal by being there, but because that is where the immortal Valar live.

Why did Frodo leave Middle-earth?

Frodo left Middle-earth because of what happened to him during Lord of the Rings. He experienced two injuries which never completely faded, meaning he couldn’t stay and be happy in Middle-earth.

Why were Bilbo and Frodo allowed to sail west?

So basically, Bilbo and Frodo (and perhaps Sam) were allowed to sail West because they directly suffered in fulfilling the special plans of Eru and the Valar, because Gandalf liked them, and because Arwen wanted healing for them.

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What happens to the hobbit after The Lord of the Rings?

At the end of the Lord of the Rings, Frodo leaves Middle Earth. What happens to the Hobbit afterwards? At the end of the Lord of the Rings series, both in the books and the movies, Frodo leaves Middle Earth. His friends, especially Samwise Gamgee (Sean Astin) are shocked to see Frodo (Elijah Wood) go.

Why did Frodo Baggins go to the Undying Lands?

Here’s why he made the journey to the Undying Lands. The injuries endured by Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) over the course of Lord of the Rings are why he chose to leave Middle-earth at the end of the trilogy.