
Why does my upper back hurt when I bench press?

Why does my upper back hurt when I bench press?

In the majority of scenarios, back pain during or after lifting weights is caused by poor posture or poor lifting technique. Rounding of the back is a common problem, and this can put your hips at an awkward angle that places stress on the ligaments around your spine.

Do you squeeze shoulder blades when benching?

Your Takeaway: pinching your shoulder blades together as hard as possible is NOT necessary for optimal bench performance and may inhibit your strength. Instead, focus on scapular depression (put your shoulder blades in your back pockets) with slight scapular retraction.

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What helps sharp upper back pain between shoulder blades?

Gently stretching the muscles in the upper back can help ease the pain. People can try rolling the shoulders forward and backward to reduce stiffness. Linking the hands behind the back and gently pulling the arms downward might also help.

Should core be tight during bench press?

Just keep a really tight core and neutral shoulders. There is more to the lift than that, but learn from people who lift heavy and start to program good technique before you start hitting heavier weights.

Does scapular winging affect bench press?

“Scapular winging places the shoulder at a less than optimal position, so it would be important to not try to compensate for this with improper technique.” Great technique is very important in the bench press.

How do you loosen tight upper back muscles?

Thoracic extension

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Place the block or roller on the floor behind the body.
  3. For a deeper stretch, extend the arms above the head while bending the body backward.
  4. Take a few deep breaths and let the back and shoulder muscles relax.
  5. Repeat this several times.
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Do you need a big upper back to bench press?

It’s no secret that a big upper back is important for being strong at just about anything. And I feel like it’s a strength training rite of passage when you realize that in order to build a big bench press, you need to train your upper back like there’s no tomorrow.

Why does my upper back hurt after bench pressing?

When you retract and depress your scapula, your shoulders should be tensed and firm. Another common reason for having a sore upper back after bench pressing is because your shoulder stabilizers are weak. Perhaps you have not done too many rows or have not practiced any scapula retraction and depression in any sport.

What muscles do bench presses work?

The back muscles help support and control proper bar path during the bench press as well. We’re mostly talking about the muscles that pull your shoulders blades down and back “into your back pockets” and not so much the lats.

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What are the best bench press exercises for beginners?

Barbell Bent-Over Row: These have the most direct carryover to the bench press because you use a barbell and you can basically replicate the eccentric portion of the bench. You can go pretty heavy, but I recommend erring on the lighter side at first so you can learn to use perfect form and not stress your lower back too much.