Why does nobody understand INFJ?

Why does nobody understand INFJ?

because they see most uncommon things, intuition to the subjective factor. and they can not speak of what they see, unless they are a fool – for they would give up their game, and no one would understand. I have been waiting for this question, so I could disclose a hidden side of the INFJ that RARELY anyone knows.

Do INFJs try to understand themselves?

They do have some level of self-awareness, but sometimes they intentionally avoid these thoughts out of self-doubt. For the INFJ it is often easier to process the emotions of those around them, and search for ways to understand people.

How rare is it to meet an INFJ?

At just 1.5\% of the US population, INFJs can be hard to find. Some of us will go our entire lives without running into one! But if you’re bound and determined to encounter this, the rare blue diamond of personality types, here are some ways to increase your chances.

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How do you understand Infj personality?

Here are 8 tips to help you better understand the INFJ personality type.

  1. Accept that you will never really understand the INFJ.
  2. Listen to what your INFJ is not saying.
  3. Know that INFJs really aren’t that serious.
  4. If you’re not happy, your INFJ is not happy.
  5. INFJs can be stubborn.
  6. INFJs can forgive, but we never forget.

Do INFJs feel out of place?

This is something the INFJ does to protect themselves, because they do often feel strange or out of place when they are around most people. Being rare can cause them to be viewed as weird or strange, when in reality people just don’t understand them because they are unique.

How rare is an INFJ?

Statistics say the INFJ type is at about 1\% of the population (1 out of 100). Here on Quora they are about ‘a dime a dozen’. Either the statistics are wrong or Quora is an INFJ magnet. I’m pretty sure it’s both. INFJs have such an odd and rare combination of cognitive functions that they make for an odd and rare group of humans beings.

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Do INFJs make good leaders?

INFs make great leaders as their style is based on what is best for everyone concerned. This is a rare quality indeed. INFJs are the rarest personality type. INFs base decisions on feelings of what is best for humanity rather than logic. Needless to say, this approach is rare in our current world.

Is it Lonely to be an INFJ male?

The few who survived passed down the genes to be carried through time or perish due to the lack of convenience. It is assumed that less than 1–2\% in the entire world are an INFJ and around 0.5\% for INFJ males specifically. It is lonely being an INFJ already, and could seem even more profoundly for males.