
Why does Sarada have the same glasses as Karin?

Why does Sarada have the same glasses as Karin?

During her father’s absence from the village while gathering information on Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, she became ill with a high fever and afterwards, began wearing glasses, which unknown to her were a gift from Karin. Sharingan enhances her vision, but only while activated and the normal vision is just like everyone else.

How are Karin and Sarada related?

She is the daughter of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha. She mistakenly feels that Sakura is not her biological mother; after noticing that Karin, a woman who used to be one of Sasuke’s allies, wears similar glasses to hers, Sarada believes that she is her real mother.

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What is wrong with Sarada’s eyes?

Because they have sub-par eyesight. Like normal people. Her poor eyesight is often attributed to her sickness as a child, and while that is possible, it is hardly the point. While using the Sharingan, Sarada doesnt *need* the glasses, but without the Sharingan, she has normal eyes.

Is Sarada Sasuke and Karin’s daughter?

There is very little evidence proving that Sarada is in fact the daughter of Karin, but since Karin herself had lots of feeling for Sasuke, it’s possible to assume that they did have sex that child could be Sarada. Does Sakura know? Why is she taking care of a child that’s not even hers.

Could Sarada be Sasuke and Kirin’s daughter?

No, not even close. They look nothing alike, Sarada is personality wise, a near clone of her mother Sakura, and if Sasuke really cheated on his wife with a random friend, then he has not redeemed himself in the slightest and is the same old bastard. which renders the series pointless Originally Answered: Could Sarada be Sasuke and Kirin’s daughter?

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Does Sasuke have a daughter with Sakura?

When fans of Naruto think of Sasuke at the beginning of the series, it’s hard to imagine that he’d ever have children. It’s especially surprising that he has a daughter with Sakura of all people because, though Sakura obviously has feelings for Sasuke, Sasuke is actively dismissive of Sakura and finds her irritating.

Does Sarada have Sasuke’s eyes?

It’s like what Naruto said, Sarada has Sasuke’s eyes. She also has his eye color but Sakura’s eye shape. It’s a little bit hard to see but Sarada has Sasuke’s eyebrows, Sakura’s face shape, Sasuke’s nose, and Sakura’s smile.

Why is Sakura worried about Sarada in Boruto?

In Boruto episode 170, Sakura was worried about Sarada and expressed her concern while talking alone with Sasuke regarding their daughter.