
Why does Thanos have to close his fist?

Why does Thanos have to close his fist?

The housing is the gauntlet and method is to close his fist. The gauntlet is specially made on nidavellir on the order of thanos. So, he is one who designed the gauntlet and more likely for convenience of usage, he might have chosen the method to activate stones is by closing fist.

Did Thanos actually have to snap?

As others have said, he did not have to snap his fingers, but in the original source material, he did snap his fingers. He did so as a gift to the Mistress death whose favor he was trying to court. the reason why he did it is because the universe was over populated.

Why does the Infinity Gauntlet require a snap?

A gauntlet is an intimidating way of carrying the stones, though, and keeps them pretty safe. And using a snap lets the audience physically see when the stones are used, rather than it just happening in Thanos’s mind.

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Why does Infinity War’s Thanos always snap his fist?

According to Infinity War co-writer Christopher McFeely in the film’s commentary, they wanted to introduce a small physical rule such as closing his fist with how he can use the stones. Given all this, why did he still bother snapping when simply balling his hand would’ve also done the job?

Was Thanos’ snap all over endgame?

Thanos’ snap is all over ‘Avengers: Endgame.’ But why the heck was it a snap? Thanos wiped out half of all life in the universe at the end of Avengers: Infinity War.

How did Thanos wipe out half the universe?

Thanos wiped out half of all life in the universe at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. He did it with a simple snap, a physical action — even though the power granted to him by a fully powered Infinity Gauntlet meant he could accomplish the same feat with nothing more than a thought.

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How did Thanos break Thor’s hand?

Though Thor nearly killed him at that moment, Thanos was still able to snap his fingers and finally achieve his goal. Half of all living creatures were wiped out throughout the universe in a matter of moments. The sheer amount of power emitted by using all six stones at once severely burned Thanos’ arm and melted the gauntlet on his hand.