Why does Thanos want to take snap with the Infinity Gauntlet glove in his hand?

Why does Thanos want to take snap with the Infinity Gauntlet glove in his hand?

The answer lies in the comics and Thanos’ creator Jim Starlin. Starlin’s answer means that Thanos didn’t really have to snap to activate Infinity Stones as they react to the wielder’s mental commands, but for the purpose of storytelling, he wanted a visual representation of what he’s doing with the crystals.

Why did the Infinity Gauntlet hurt Thanos?

‘In Infinity War, Thanos has the gauntlet made in Nidavellir. When he does the Snap, the Gauntlet was damaged for some reason,’ the theory began. ‘But the Stark gauntlet which is made of Earth metals cannot hold the power of Stones so the power […] directly affects the user and Hulk damaged his arm.

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What did Thanos use the Infinity Gauntlet for?

Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to destroy the pillar dropped by on him Iron Man and turned it to a swarm of black crystals that he sent at the ironclad Avenger, as well as sending out blasts of energy at Star-Lord, although they were dodged.

How many Infinity Stones does Thanos have?

Thanos completes his collection of the stones. The Infinity Gauntlet was specifically made to allow the wielder to channel the powers of all six Infinity Stones; it even allows the use of their powers in unison, such as using the Space Stone to send the Power Stone’s energies to Titan’s moon.

What happened to the Infinity Gauntlet after the snap?

With all hope of undoing the Snap seemingly gone, the Avengers left the planet, leaving the charred and useless Infinity Gauntlet behind to rust. In an alternate universe, the Infinity Gauntlet had been acquired by Thanos who travelled to Earth in order to acquire the remaining Infinity Stones.

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Why does Infinity War’s Thanos always snap his fist?

According to Infinity War co-writer Christopher McFeely in the film’s commentary, they wanted to introduce a small physical rule such as closing his fist with how he can use the stones. Given all this, why did he still bother snapping when simply balling his hand would’ve also done the job?