Why does the British Army salute palm out?

Why does the British Army salute palm out?

The British Army developed a salute with the palm facing outwards, also used by the Royal Air Force. The salute works both as a mark of recognition for the Queen’s commission awarded to officers and for seniority of rank, says Simon Lamb, of the British Veterans Recognition Card group.

Do Army and Navy salute each other?

Army and Air Force members render the hand salute when reporting inside and outside to an officer or president of a board. If under arms and inside, Marines and Navy members will render a salute. When passing an uncased National Flag outside, all uniformed military should salute.

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Why did the salute change?

The palm forward style similar to the British army was predominant in the Civil War, although by then the Royal Navy had adopted a palm-down salute, allegedly because sailors’ hands tended to be covered in dirt and tar, taking a lot of “respect” out of the gesture (the British Army and Royal Air Force still salute palm …

When did the US military change their salute?

Knights in armor raised visors with the right hand when meeting a comrade. This practice gradually became a way of showing respect and, in early American history, sometimes involved removing the hat. By 1820, the motion was modified to touching the hat, and since then it has become the Hand Salute used today.

Why do army and navy salute differently?

It is believed that the U.S. military’s salute was influenced by British military, although it differs slightly, in that the palm of the hand faces down towards the shoulder. This difference may date back to the days of sailing ships, when tar and pitch were used to seal the timber from seawater.

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Why do American soldiers salute with their hands palm down?

The palm forward style similar to the British army was predominant in the Civil War, although by then the Royal Navy had adopted a palm-down salute, allegedly because sailors’ hands tended to be covered in dirt and tar, taking a lot of “respect” out of the gesture…

What is the origin of the military salute?

Today’s military salute According to the Armed Forces History Museum, today’s standard salute – right hand touching the brim of the head cover with the palm down – was in place by 1820. The museum says the palm down portion of the salute may have been influenced by the salute style of the British Navy at the time.

Why do you salute with a dirty hand?

A sailor’s hands were often dirty, and exposing a dirty palm – especially to a superior – would have been deemed disrespectful. A correlating legend has it that Queen Victoria was once saluted with a dirty hand, and declared thereafter that British sailors would salute with their hands at a 90-degree angle. Who receives a salute?

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Why do quartermasters have to salute?

A page on the Quartermasters’ website explains that military headgear had become so complicated and cumbersome by the time of the American Revolution, saluting was just an expedient change to protocol.