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Why does the Joker dance down the stairs?

Why does the Joker dance down the stairs?

The dance is seen by many as a celebration of Arthur’s new persona, one that isn’t a role model at all, as his main goal was to get revenge on those in a position of power for neglecting those below them, and of the riots and crime wave that his actions triggered.

Are the Joker stairs in a bad neighborhood?

‘” Like the “Rocky steps” in Philadelphia and the horrible “Friends” apartment building in the West Village, the stairs are becoming a tourist attraction. And like all iconic film destinations, locals hate the place and each and every tourist who flocks to it.

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Are the Joker stairs in American Gangster?

India Today notes, “Even though the stairs have been around for years and lead to some of the most famous spots in New York […] they were never really popular because of their association with crime in the area.” The New York Times notes that originally, the stairs used in the 2007 biographical crime film American …

What stairs did Joker dance on?

The “Joker Stairs” is the colloquial name for a step street connecting Shakespeare and Anderson avenues at West 167th Street in Highbridge in the Bronx, New York City. Located near the 167th Street station on the New York City Subway’s 4 train, the stairs served as one of the filming locations in the 2019 film Joker.

Are the steps in Joker the same as the exorcist?

No. These are The Exorcist stairs in Washington DC: These are the Joker stairs in New York: So no they’re not the same, they’re in different cities & the Joker stairs are considerably wider than The Exorcist ones.

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Why did the Joker put himself in the fridge?

The Joker entered the fridge to commit suicide at the lowest point of his life. The rest of the movie is what he thinks of as he slowly freezes to death.

Are the stairs in Joker the same as the exorcist?

Are the stairs in the Joker the same as the exorcist?

Bronx staircase from ‘Joker’ takes its place alongside ‘Rocky,’ ‘Exorcist’ steps. The stairs are between two buildings on Shakespeare Avenue, about a half-mile from Yankee Stadium. In the movie, lead actor Joaquin Phoenix dances as he goes down the steps, wearing a bright red suit and clown makeup.

Why are the Joker stairs so iconic?

It’s easy to see why the Joker stairs have become so iconic though. The stairs are featured in the film’s posters and they appear at a pivotal point in the film. We first see the downtrodden Arthur Fleck trudging up them, on a stairway to nowhere early in the movie.

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Why is the Joker’s Joker scene so important?

The scene is considered by many as one of the Joker ’s best moments for many reasons besides its meaning within the narrative: the photography, the editing, and Phoenix’s performance all add up to make it one of the film’s most unforgettable moments.

Why did Arthur Fleck become Joker?

The Staircase Dance Is The Moment Arthur Fleck Becomes Joker Joker followed Arthur Fleck’s descent into a life of crime, triggered by untreated mental health issues, family secrets, and society’s constant neglect in many aspects of his life.

Does Arthur start dancing as the Joker?

But Arthur doesn’t fully become the Joker until he reaches the staircase and begins to dance. Arthur was previously shown dancing at home and at a restroom (after shooting the Wayne Enterprises businessmen that attacked him on the subway), but none of those moments showed Arthur as free as in the staircase scene.