Why does the red woman help Stannis?

Why does the red woman help Stannis?

Melisandre had a vision that Azor will be reborn amidst salt and smoke. Dragonstone is a volcanic island. So since Stannis was born there in a lordship family, Melisandre thinks Stannis is Azor and hence helps Stannis to reclaim the throne.

Why did melisandre follow Stannis?

Originally Answered: Why did Melisandra think Stannis was Azor Ahai? Melisandra thought stannis is the azor ahai because she misinterpreted the prophecy about azor ahai. The prophecy said the azor ahai will be born amidst salt and rock.

How did melisandre convince Stannis?

A Clash of Kings. Melisandre converts Stannis’s wife Selyse to her religion, along with several other members of Stannis’ court. She convinces Stannis to impregnate her, giving birth to a shadow demon that kills Renly.

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Did Stannis love red woman?

Shireen may have not been perfect, but Stannis loved her all the same, because she was his. In a world were most men would have left her to die, Stannis did everything in his power to save Shireen, to save his baby girl.

How long was the red woman pregnant?

nine months
“When I do turn around — you have to get your head around this as an actor — to turn around and see the red priestess dropping the robe and [she’s] nine months pregnant, and two second before, she wasn’t pregnant at all?

Why is mellisandre so powerful?

Mellisandre is a cunning lady though. She gets visions of the future from the flames. So if she knows that someone is going to die, she can make it seem like it was her doing. This way she seems more powerful, furthering her agenda. Or so the theory goes. GRRM doesn’t give much explanation about the nature of magic and gods.

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Why does Melisandre want to sacrifice Edric and Gendry?

Melisandre can just be seeing into the future where see catches glimpses of what is to come and then use that to “convince” others that by sacrificing Edric and Gendry she could do much more. when in fact she just wants to REMOVE any threat the her Kings rule. Both Edric and Gendry could in theory lead an uprising and overthrow Stanis as king.

Is Stannis Baratheon Azor Ahai?

Melisandre believes that Stannis is Azor Ahai. There is a prophecy that says that Azor Ahai will be The Lord of Light’s champion, and fight the Great Other in a large upcoming battle. There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world.