
Why does the UK drive on the left and the US on the right?

Why does the UK drive on the left and the US on the right?

In the early years of English colonisation of North America, English driving customs were followed and the colonies drove on the left. After gaining independence from England, however, they were anxious to cast off all remaining links with their British colonial past and gradually changed to right-hand driving.

Why do Americans drive on the right side of the road?

Drivers tended to sit on the right so they could ensure their buggy, wagon, or other vehicle didn’t run into a roadside ditch. Thus, most American cars produced before 1910 were made with right-side driver seating, although intended for right-side driving.

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Why do British cars have steering wheel on right side?

As a result, England began to determine the spread of left-hand traffic across the planet. At first the steering wheel was put closer to the edge of the road — the right side for right-hand traffic and the left side for left-hand traffic — so it was easier for the driver to get out of the car.

Why is it better to drive on the left side of the road?

It can’t be said for certain if there’s a traffic handedness that is more conducive to safe driving. It has been noticed that countries that drive on the left side of the road have considerably fewer traffic accidents and fatalities than those that drive on the right side of the road.

Does Ireland drive on the left?

The bulk of countries that drive on the left are former British colonies including South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Only four countries in Europe still drive on the left and they are all islands. They consist of the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Malta and Cyprus.

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Are British cars legal in America?

Since they’re non-standard, the legality of driving a right-hand drive car, or RHD, in the United States is probably the first question you have. The short answer to whether or not it’s legal to drive this type of vehicle is yes, it’s perfectly legal.

Why does Mozambique drive on the left?

But Professor Peter Kincaid who wrote The Rule of the Road found that East Timor did change in 1928. Although the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) drives on the left, Timor was so isolated and there were so few cross border roads to make it an issue.

Does Germany drive on the left?

When driving in Germany, which side of the road do they drive on? Right. In Germany, they drive on the right side of the road.

How many countries drive on the right side?

As many international travelers have noted, in some nations the rule of the road is that people must keep left, while in other countries, people keep right. The vast majority of countries around the world drive on the right side of the road, with a few holdouts including Japan, Great Britain, Australia, and India in which traffic drives on the left.

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Which countries drive on right hand side?


  • South Africa
  • Singapore
  • New Zealand
  • Malta
  • Malaysia
  • Kenya
  • Japan
  • Jamaica
  • Isle of Man
  • Why do we drive on the right side of the road?

    In the past, almost everybody travelled on the left side of the road because that was the most sensible option for feudal, violent societies. Since most people are right-handed, swordsmen preferred to keep to the left in order to have their right arm nearer to an opponent and their scabbard further from him.