
Why does time stop at the event horizon?

Why does time stop at the event horizon?

An object approaching the event horizon would appear to be slowing down as it approaches the black hole instead of speeding up as we would expect. This is because of time dilation, which slows the passing of time for an object moving close to the speed of light with respect to an outside observer.

Does time and space exist in a black hole?

(Phys.org) —The quintessential feature of a black hole is its “point of no return,” or what is more technically called its event horizon.

What happens when you cross the event horizon of a black hole?

If you were to cross the event horizon and look out of the black hole you would only see the END OF THE UNIVERSE. Whatever its fate. Secondly a little discussed consequence is that space-time is curved in such a way that would take an object with mass infinite amount of time to move radially and require an infinite amount of energy.

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Does time stop when a particle enters a black hole?

Naively, this would seem to imply that a particle takes forever to fall into a black hole, which would mean that it becomes slower and slower as it approaches the event horizon. And as it would seem to imply that the particle comes to stop, some people say that “time stops at the event horizon”.

Can a black hole have a non zero gravitational acceleration?

And the only time division of non-zero constant yields zero is when you divide by infinity. And although black holes are super heavy, super badass and super black, they posses finite energy and therefore finite gravitational acceleration (even at event horizon).

Does time stop when the clock approaches the event horizon?

You will see the clock slow as it approaches the horizon and you’ll see it running slower and slower. However there is no sense in which time stops at the event horizon. You can wait as long as you want, and you’ll see the clock creep closer and closer, but time will continue for both you and the clock.