
Why don t most deep sea fish explode when brought to the surface?

Why don t most deep sea fish explode when brought to the surface?

The short: pressure, or the lack of when you bring them back up to the surface doesn’t typically kill deep-sea organisms warmer temperature does. Basically, putting a low-pressure adapted animal into high pressures will often kill it but deep-sea animals often seem immune to the release of pressure.

Why do deep water fish die even if they are put back into the ocean immediately after surfacing?

These fish die even though they are handled gently and released quickly. The reason: a condition called barotrauma, which divers know as “the bends.” The problem occurs in fish that have a swim bladder, an internal balloon that helps them control their buoyancy.

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Why do fish swim to the bottom of the ocean?

When the bladder is expanded, it displaces more water and so experiences a greater force of buoyancy. When the bladder is completely inflated, the fish has maximum volume and is pushed to the surface. When the bladder is completely deflated, the fish has minimum volume and sinks to the ocean floor.

Why do fish eyes bulge when caught?

At depth, the gasses in the swim bladder are at equal pressure. When the fish is reeled up to the surface, the gasses expand and can cause the eyes to become bulged, cloudy or crystallized and the stomach to protrude out of the mouth. Although one might suspect that the fish is dead- it’s not.

Why is this fish throwing up its stomach?

Apparently, it’s just a way for the sharks to cleanse their stomachs. “It’s basically rinsing it out,” Skomal says. A 2005 paper describing such behavior in a Caribbean reef shark seems to confirm that, saying that sharks do this to remove “indigestible food particles, parasites or mucus.” This opens in a new window.

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Can all fish swim to the bottom of the ocean?

Ocean-going fish can’t live any deeper than 8200 meters, according to a new study. All fish have their limits—you’ll never find sharks below 4 kilometers, for example—but why there aren’t any fish at all below 8 kilometers remains a mystery.

Why do fish die so quickly at the bottom of the ocean?

That’s in large part because the fish, octopuses and other creatures that thrive at the bottom of the ocean die quickly at the surface. In some cases, the lower pressure and higher temperature melt the lipids in their cell membranes. Even hardier animals, such as crabs, can survive at sea level for no more than a few weeks.

Why do bony fish have to stay in the ocean?

This is because the bony fishes have a swim bladder for buoyancy control. Think of this as an internal life jacket that is inflated to give more buoyancy when needed, and deflated to give less. When such a fish is hauled on a line from the depths, the swim bladder expands, and can cause enormous damage to internal organs.

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Can we capture organisms at depth and bring them to the surface?

We frequently capture organisms at depth and bring them to surface alive, as long as we can keep them cool. They either live in aquarium in the laboratory or even shipped across the country alive. I’ve personally kept or seen deep-sea snails, echinoderms, crabs, giant isopods, and cephalopods in aquaria.

What is the deepest part of the ocean where fish live?

At the deepest point in the ocean lives a fish that is pink, slimy, and looks a bit like an oversized tadpole, up to a foot long. In the Mariana Trench—7,000 meters below the ocean’s surface—these fish makes a living in total darkness and at crushing pressures that can reach 1,000 times more than at sea level.