
Why Garuda Purana is read after death?

Why Garuda Purana is read after death?

The Garuda Purana is often recited at funeral ceremonies. The reason is that it has all the mantras that are to be chanted on such occasions. And if the rites are performed according to these incantations, the ancestors are freed from all their past sins.

Who is Garuda Father?

Affiliation Devotee of Vishnu (Hinduism) Dharmapala (Buddhism) Shantinatha (Jainism)
Personal information
Parents Kashyapa and Vinata
Siblings Aruṇa

Why do we meet our dead relatives on 11th and 12th days?

According to Garuda Purana, you meet your dead relatives on the 11th and 12th days after you die, that is the reason these two days are considered to be very crucial in the death ceremony. Jaya and Vijaya (GateKeepers of Vaikuntha – The abode of Lord Vishnu) both were born as Asuras (Demons) due to the curse given by Sanatkumara Muni.

What is the significance of the Garuda Puran?

The Garuda Puran is one of the Vishnu Puranas. It is a conversation between Lord Vishnu and Garuda, the King of Birds.This Purana deals specific issues of Hindu philosophy connected with death, funeral rites, and reincarnation. Portions of the Garuda Purana are used by some Hindus as funeral rituals.

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Why is Garuda Puranam recited as part of funeral rites?

It contains details of life after death, funeral rites and reincarnation, and therefore is recited as a part funeral rites in Hindu culture. The write up below provides a gist of the great teachings in the Garuda Puranam

How does the soul reach Yamaloka According to Garuda Purana?

According to the Garuda Purana, the soul reaches Yamaloka after walking for 47 consecutive days after death. In the Garuda Purana, it is explained how a person’s soul dies and how he assumes the form of a ghost by receiving pindana. – According to the Garuda Purana, a person who is about to die cannot speak even if he wants to.