
Why is Christianity the fastest growing religion?

Why is Christianity the fastest growing religion?

High birth rates and conversions were cited as the main reasons. Using data from the period 2000–2005 the 2006 Christian World Database estimated that by number of new adherents, Christianity was the fastest growing religion in the world with 30,360,000 new adherents in 2006.

Do Muslims try conversion?

Islam. Islamic law prohibits forced conversion, following the Quranic principle that there is “no compulsion in religion” (Quran 2:256). However, episodes of forced conversions have occurred in the history of Islam.

How many Muslims have converted to Christianity?

In 2018, the U.S. State Department estimated that there were 500,000 Christian converts from Muslim families. Today the estimate is between one and three million. Today the estimate is between one and three million .

Do some Muslims become Christians?

Muslims all over the world are receiving the gospel of Jesus Christ and converting to the Christian faith. This is a list of 15 famous Muslims (including Prime minister, Presidents, famous footballers), who converted to the Christian faith and became followers of Jesus Christ. 1. Amir Sjarifuddin (Prime minister of Indonesia)Amir was born in Indonesia ]

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What can Muslims learn from Christians?

What Christians can learn from Muslims. The main reason being that as far as practicing what their faith teaches (praying, observing holy days, dietary laws, accumulating knowledge of their own religion and other religions, evangelizing efforts, and other required acts of obediance), they do put most “Christians” to shame.

What you should know about converting to Islam?

Make sure you know what it means to be a Muslim and how to act like one.

  • Read Islamic scripture. The Quran is the central religious book of Islam,believed to be the unadulterated word of God and the culmination of all previous Christian and Jewish
  • Talk with an Imam.
  • Say the Shahada.