
Why is college hard for introverts?

Why is college hard for introverts?

The Hardest Part About Being an Introvert in College. The hardest part about being an introvert in college is definitely the pressure to socialize. College can feel like a place where you are supposed to socialize 24/7. This pressure to be social can be overstimulating to anyone, but especially to introverts.

Do introverts do well in college?

8. Realize that introversion is a strength in college! In this article, Beverly Garside points out that even though extroverts seem to be the best fit for college, introverts like her can do very well academically because we don’t have a constant need to socialize. College isn’t made for extroverts.

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How is college life for introverts?

College is challenging at times for all students, but for introverts, it can be especially difficult. While more outgoing students can easily make friends and navigate their way through crowded classes and social events, introverts may often feel uncomfortable and left out.

Are small colleges better for introverts?

On the face of it, a small college would seem to be a more hospitable environment for an introvert, but small colleges can also be socially intense, especially if they’re in small towns where everything interesting happens on campus. At a large university, there may be a greater array of extracurricular options.

What is the hardest part about being an introvert in college?

The hardest part about being an introvert in college is definitely the pressure to socialize. College can feel like a place where you are supposed to socialize 24/7. Think about the stories you’ve heard about college: People easily make friends at New Students Orientation. Friends are attached at the hip all the time.

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Why do introverts need time to themselves to thrive?

Introverts need time to themselves to thrive but when we do spend time with those we love, it’s high-quality time. As sensitive, observant people, we give the people we are with the attention they need and deserve. There’s this weird idea in college that if you aren’t partying every Friday night, you must not be having fun.

Are introverts open books?

Even people you have known for a long time may not understand the “why” behind these habits; introverts are not usually open books, and personally, I follow the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

Are all introverts shy?

Not all introverts are shy, but I am, and sometimes my introversion and shyness magnify one another. Especially when you first meet me, I’m afraid of being awkward or saying the wrong thing. Also, I prefer listening to talking, because I like understanding people better and learning about different perspectives.