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Why is Earth called C53 in Marvel?

Why is Earth called C53 in Marvel?

The planet C53 is Earth. As the Kree are not from Earth, it would make no sense that they would regularly refer to Earth as such, since Earth is just another planet in the Universe to them. For example, Asgardians call the Earth, Midgard, and Earth is also known as Terra.

Is planet C53 Earth?

Earth, also known as Midgard, Terra, or Planet C-53, is the third planet in the Solar System, home to the Humans, Inhumans, the Eternals, the Deviants, Vampires and a multitude of other animal species, and a number of Asgardian and Chronicom immigrants.

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Who created Earth in Marvel?

First appearance Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1 (uncirculated, retroactive) Fantastic Four #1 (Nov. 1961)
Created by Alan Moore Alan Davis Dave Thorpe
Type Marvel Comics multiverse

What do they call Earth in Guardians of the Galaxy?

Terra, also known as Earth, is a world in Guardians of the Galaxy. Residents on the planet are known as “Terrans”.

Why is the Earth called Terra?

Originally Answered: Is Earths real name called Terra? The name “Earth” comes from the medieval Anglo-Saxon word “erda”, which means ground (as in dirt) or soil. Meanwhile, the name “Terra” comes from the Latin root word “terr”, which means earth (as in dirt) or land.

Is Nick Fury a avenger?

Nicholas Joseph “Nick” Fury is a world-renowned spy, former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and founder of the Avengers. Continuing to serve his country, Fury joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to fight against Earth’s most dangerous enemies.

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What Earth is Agents of Shield on?

Tonight’s episode of Agents of SHIELD introduced the concept of the multiverse into the series and also made a sly Easter egg reference to the most famous timeline in the Marvel Universe, Earth-616.

Why is the earth not called Terra?

Is Terra another name for Earth?

Terra is the Latin/Italian/Portuguese term for Earth or land. Terra may also refer to: Terra (mythology), primeval Roman goddess.

Why didn’t Thanos take over Earth in the MCU?

Since the events of Captain Marvel, there weren’t any attempts to take over the planet until Loki’s (failed) efforts in The Avengers. Knowing that the Space Stone/Tesseract was on the planet, Thanos tried to make a move on Earth.

Why does Thanos want to ‘save’ the universe?

In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos explains that his home world of Titan faced similar problems, leading to a global catastrophe, which is why he feels compelled to ‘save’ the cosmos from the same fate — by reducing its population.

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Why does Thanos say there are too many people in the world?

Overpopulation is clearly a complicated problem, so it’s ironic that a complex supervillain like Thanos has over-simplified the issue to ‘too many people’. Thanos is a mass murderer who believes his actions are a necessary evil that are required to achieve a greater good: an end to suffering.

Did Thanos’ actions in Infinity War help the environment?

During a conversation between Captain America and Black Widow early in the movie, five years after the events of Infinity War, Cap mentions crossing the Hudson River in New York and says, “I saw a pod of whales when I was coming over the bridge.” That one line implies a bright side to Thanos’ actions: they were beneficial to the environment.