Why is instantaneous speed important?

Why is instantaneous speed important?

It correctly determines the speed and the direction of motion at a particular instant. Because instantaneous changes are different at every time instant. It could be possible. An average sense may not point out to what the velocity was at a particular time instant.

Does the speedometer of a car read average speed or instantaneous speed?

The speedometer of a car reveals information about the instantaneous speed of your car. It shows your speed at a particular instant in time. On the average, your car was moving with a speed of 25 miles per hour.

Why is a speeding Offence based on instantaneous speed rather than average speed?

this is a useful measure because a car can be constantly changing speed e.g. stopping at traffic lights. the instantaneous speed is the speed you read off of the speedometer and typically varies from moment to moment.

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Can average speed be greater than instantaneous speed?

Yes, instantaneous speed and average speed can be equal (and can be different). The simplest case is when a body has a constant speed. In this case, its instantaneous speed is the same at any moment and the average speed over any time interval has the same value.

How is average velocity different from instantaneous velocity?

Hint: Average velocity is defined as the ratio of total displacement done by the body to the time taken by the body. While, instantaneous velocity is defined as the velocity of a body at a specific point of time i.e. displacement of a body at a specific point of time.

Why instantaneous velocity is equal to instantaneous speed?

The direction of instantaneous velocity at any time gives the direction of motion of a particle at that point in time. The magnitude of instantaneous velocity equals the instantaneous speed. This happens because, for an infinitesimally small time interval, the motion of a particle can be approximated to be uniform.

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What is the importance of average speed?

Average Speed is important to understand the rate at which a journey takes place. Throughout a journey, the speed may vary from time to time. In that case, finding the average speed becomes important to have an estimate of the rate at which the journey is completed.