
Why is it hard for exes to be friends?

Why is it hard for exes to be friends?

There are four major reasons behind why people choose to stay friends: security, practical reasons, civility, and unresolved attraction. People who still had “unresolved romantic desires” were less likely to feel secure and happy in a friendship with their ex, the study found.

How do you tell an ex you can’t be friends anymore?

Simply say, “I’m sorry, but I don’t actually want to be friends with you,” or, “No. Being friends isn’t going to work for me.” Don’t make promises or offers for the future. Sure, you might end up being friends again at some point, but there’s no reason to promise that now.

Do exes make good friends?

Friendships formed between exes for “security,” meanwhile, produced the most positive outcomes and the highest-quality friendships. (One surprising finding was that extroverted people were less likely to remain friends with an ex–romantic partner.

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Why do people get back together with their exes?

Maybe they benefit from an ex’s money, gifts, food, or power (Mogilski & Welling, 2016). Other practical reasons include hookup potential with an ex, the ability to manage shared friends or to navigate shared resources, pets, or children.

Should you end your obsession with your ex?

End your obsession with your ex now before it becomes too hard to do so and before you need professional help. At the end of the day, the only person you should be keeping tabs on is yourself. Be concerned with how you are running your own life and don’t meddle in the life of your ex.

Should I stay friends with my controlling ex boyfriend?

Remaining friends with a controlling ex boyfriend is never a good idea. These types of guys never want to let go and will remain a thorn in the side until they are booted to the curb. At first it might seem like a good idea to you.