
Why is it hotter in the summer and colder in the winter your answer?

Why is it hotter in the summer and colder in the winter your answer?

As the earth travels around the sun during the year it maintains this tilt. Because of this tilt, in the summer we (north of the equator) are slanted more directly towards the sun so it’s hotter. In the winter, we’re slanted away so the sun’s rays are less direct, making it colder.

Why is it better to be cold then hot?

When it’s that cold, you expend more energy than in warm weather, though how much depends on factors like the exact temperature and your clothing. Some studies have also found that physical performance drops in hotter temperatures. For example in one study, marathon runners slowed as temperatures increased.

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Why is the summer warmer than the winter?

During the summer, the sun’s rays hit the Earth at a steep angle. Also, the long daylight hours allow the Earth plenty of time to reach warm temperatures. During the winter, the sun’s rays hit the Earth at a shallow angle. These rays are more spread out, which minimizes the amount of energy that hits any given spot.

Why winters are better than summer?

Being too cold is better. You can warm up far quicker than you can cool down, shivering burns loads of calories and frankly, every single person on earth looks 12\% cuter with a red nose from the cold. Plus, when you exhale on a cold day it looks like you’re vaping. There are no negatives to being too cold.

Whats better hot or cold weather?

Cold kills more people than heat. More people move from cold states to warm ones because of climate than vice versa. You’re more likely to fall and hurt yourself in icy cold weather. Staying warm is more expensive, both in clothing and home heating costs.

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Why is it colder in the winter?

When the northern hemisphere is pointed toward the sun, sunlight hits more directly, and it warms up this part of the earth. In the winter, when the northern hemisphere is pointed away from the sun slightly, the sun’s rays come in at an angle and have less of an impact. This makes winter cold!

Why winter is your Favourite season?

The winter season is my favourite because it has a week full of festivities and we get our vacations at that time. Our school closes for a vacation of two weeks for Christmas and New Year. In the winter season, people put on warm clothes and woollens to save themselves from the severe cold.

Why is it hot in summer and cold in winter?

Thus they have less heating power leading to a lesser Temperature As a result the winter is cold. On the other hand in summer the earth is tilted towards the sun and the vertical rays of the sun travel shorter distance heat a smaller area leading to a higher temperature. Thus it is hot in summer.

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Why do we feel cold when the temperature falls?

And, heat loss is minimum. This results in the fall of temperature of the skin- a sense giving us feeling of cold. The skin becomes dry. This process is called vasoconstriction, which is the narrowing of blood vessels.

Can depression make you feel cold in the winter?

Its symptoms are similar to those of clinical depression, and feeling cold can be part of this condition. Winter often offers less sensory stimulation and social contact. Conversely, stimulating activity, even if only mental, goes some way to distracting from the cold.

Why is it so cold inside my house in the winter?

Depending on everything from the size and efficiency of the house to the temperature and humidity outside, that air can sometimes be significantly cooler. “In the winter time, it’s kinda like the opposite,” said Mastropieri. So, that same 75 degrees is being maintained by a steady stream of air that is warmer.