
Why is it important to find a balance between personal freedom and responsible social Behaviour?

Why is it important to find a balance between personal freedom and responsible social Behaviour?

There is a good reason as to why we find a balance between personal freedom and responsible behavior. It prevents deindividuation among the group behavior and the collective behavior since one is able to identify there individual personal responsibility instead of the collective responsibility in there behavior.

What is the balance between personal freedom and responsible social Behaviour?

Personal freedom means you can do anything that you want which should not break the law. Responsible social behavior involves following the laws of the land even if no one is looking at you.

How do you find a balance between the new found freedom and responsible behavior as a Grade 12 learner?

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There are a few inevitable ways by which a student can maintain balance.

  1. 1) Discipline – Develop a time table segregating time for studies and other fun activities.
  2. 2) Focus – Focusing better through increased concentration brings better results in any activity.
  3. 3) Time – Give time to everything.

Is there freedom without responsibility?

Freedom you have, but you have not fulfilled the responsibility. Freedom means you will have to be responsible for every act, for every breath; whatever you do or don’t do, you will be responsible. People are really in deep fear of freedom, although they talk about freedom.

Why is balance important in life?

striking a balance helps you lead a happy and contented life, it ensures your growth as an individual and secures your mental peace and well being. Helps you dream bigger: By maintaining a healthy balance, you secure your future.

Is there a balance between freedom and responsible social behaviour?

There must be a balance between my freedom and responsible social behaviour because otherwise life will be chaotic. If I could do whatever I want and all of us could do whatever we want, we couldn’t live at all or life would be hell on earth. Just a simple example, let’s say that I like loud music and I put loud music all day long.

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Are We living on borrowed freedom?

As long as we believe it is some other being’s responsibility to bring justice to the world or to reduce suffering, we are living on borrowed freedom. And when the day comes that we, as a species, learn that we are responsible for our own salvation, we will have taken a revolutionary, and an evolutionary, step forward.

Is there a proper place and time for freedom?

In other words, there is a proper place and time for each person’s expression of his freedom and it should be maintained under certain limits and conditions. For instance, an individual has the freedom to choose his own clothes; thus, he can wear his style for as long as he does not distract or offend others by his clothes.