
Why is it not good to sleep facing north?

Why is it not good to sleep facing north?

When you sleep with your head pointing north, your body’s magnetic field interferes with that of earth. This can fluctuate your blood pressure and can even cause heart problems. When we sleep facing North, the magnetic pull of the direction attracts iron, which gets accumulated in the brain.

Where should we place our feet while sleeping?

It is important to align your bed in your room in the way that it will help you provide a good sleep. So, in this case direction becomes an important thing. According to Vastu Shastra, you should sleep with your head in the south or east direction, that means feet at bedtime should be in the north or west.

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Why legs should not be in south direction?

People keeping their head directed towards the north are unlikely to get peaceful, sound sleep. Avoid sleeping with your legs in the south direction, because it will prevent you from getting sound sleep. Southern direction is for the Lord of death and should be avoided. It may also lead to illnesses of the mind.

What direction should the head of the bed face?

Ideally, when sleeping, your head or the head of the bed, should be facing North. North represents quieting the mind, allowing self-introspection and promotes the warm, restorative, safe feeling that comes with a time of deep sleep or hibernation.

Is it OK to keep head in south?

The recommended sleeping direction per vastu shastra is that you lie down with your head pointed southward. This is because the human head is considered to have a polar-like attraction, and it needs to face southward to attract opposite poles while you sleep.

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Should I sleep with my head to the south?

Because your head functions like a north pole, sleeping with your body in a north-facing position is considered a worst-case scenario, according to vastu shastra. To achieve balance, your head should point southward while you sleep, in line with the Earth’s electromagnetic pull.

Is it better to sleep in the north or south direction?

Even when we are camping outside or in hotels or in someone else’s house, it is best to take care that we do not sleep in the North-South direction (especially with our feet facing South). In the following articles in this series on how to sleep well, we will consider the effect of sleeping with our feet facing other directions.

What happens when we sleep with our feet facing south?

Consequently, as a result of the combined effect of the above when we sleep with our feet facing South, we can suffer distress in the form of difficulty in falling asleep, nightmares, feeling scared while sleeping or waking up in fear. 3. In summary

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What are the disadvantages of sleeping with your head pointing north?

Never sleep with the top of your head pointing to the north and feet pointing to the south. Brings terrible dreams and disturbed sleep. You will feel miserable. Irritability, frustration and emotional instability will develop.

Why do our feet have to be on the east side?

We also know that our planet revolves itself from west to east, and sun’s magnetic field enters earth from east side. This magnetic force enters our head if we lie with head on the east and exits through feet, promoting cool heads and warm feet as per the laws of magnetism and electricity.