
Why is Karin in love with Sasuke?

Why is Karin in love with Sasuke?

It is confirmed in Karin’s memory that she starts to have feelings for Sasuke after he saves her during the second phase of the Chūnin Exam. Karin has been pointed out as Sasuke’s “favorite” (by Tobi), as the girl he “has been about to hook up with” (by Suigetsu) and as the girl he “knows quite well” by Kabuto.

Why did Sasuke choose Sakura over Karin?

So in short the reason is because Sakura knew him better and longer so he felt a much stronger connection with her. Maybe he even found her more attractive than Karin too.

Who does Sasuke love Sakura or Karin?

Sasuke cares more about Sakura than he does about Karin. He marries Sakura that should be enough proof but if you still dont believe me loom at the way he treats Karin vs the way he treats Sakura. Sasuke never pushes Sakura away. The inly time he does is when he leaves the village and does not want her to fallow him.

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Is there any proof that Sasuke loves Sakura?

Yes, there is proof that Sasuke loves Sakura. People don’t always understand Sasuke’s character all that well, and because of his reserved nature, many misinterpret it as him being completely uncaring, when that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

What would happen if Sakura didn’t exist?

Keep in mind, if it weren’t for Sakura, many favorite characters such as Naruto, Kakashi, Kankuro, Hinata, Karin, and Gaara would be dead. Whether you like her or not, her role as a medical ninja was crucial to helping countless characters.

Why does Sasuke say you’re annoying?

Sasuke is saying that Naruto and Sakura have become like a family to him and that he cares about them a great deal, even to the point of being willing to die for them. One thing fans use to support Sasuke’s alleged dislike of Sakura is the repeated “you’re annoying” line.

How do Naruto and Sakura get Sasuke out of Konoha?

Sakura and Naruto follow him and challenge him to a game of “kick the can” to try to keep him from leaving. Unfortunately, they fail to keep Sasuke in the village. However, Naruto transforms into the nine-tailed fox and manages to kick both Sasuke and the can and out of Konoha.

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