
Why is land considered as an important resources?

Why is land considered as an important resources?

Land is considered an important resource because it is used for different purposes such as agriculture, forestry, mining, building houses, roads and setting up of industries.

Why is land very important to man?

Land resource is important because humans not only live but also perform all economic activities on land. Besides, land also supports wild life, natural vegetation, transport and communication activities. Ninety five percent of our basic needs and requirements like food, clothing and shelter are obtained from land.

What is the most important resource known to humans?

Water. Without a doubt, water is the most abundant resource on the planet. Approximately 72 percent of our planet is covered with water. The human race is crowded onto only slightly more than a quarter of our planet’s surface, but without the water that consumes the rest of the space, the human race would perish.

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Why is land an important resource class 10?

Resources And Development of Class 10. IMPORTANCE: Land is a natural resource of utmost importance. It supports natural vegetation, wild life, human life, economic activities, transport and communication systems.

Is the most important resource and why?

Human resource is considered to be the most significant resource of a country, which directly contributes to the countries economy with its productivity.

Why people are the most valuable resource?

All intangible assets such as patents, copyrights, intellectual property, brands, trademarks, and R&D are created by people. Therefore, people matter most to you and your business. They are the most essential contributors toward profits and shareholder value. That said, people are key assets for any organization.

Why is Land considered an important resource Brainly?

Answer: Land is considered as an important resource because it can be used for various purposes like agriculture, forestry, mining, building houses, roads, and setting up of industries. It also serves as a habitat for a variety of flora and fauna.

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How do humans use Land?

The five most common uses are recreational, transport, agricultural, residential and commercial. Agricultural land is used for the growing and harvesting of crops and livestock.

Why human resources are important?

Human resources are important because nation’s development is mostly depended upon human resources which include human skill, technology, thinking and knowledge, that leads to a nation’s power. Only human skill and technology change the natural substances into a valuable resource.

What do you think is the reason why human resource is the most important resource?

People can make the best use of nature to create more resources when they have the knowledge, skill and technology to do so. This is why human beings are considered a resource. It is the abilities of human beings which help in transferring a physical material into a valuable resource.

Why is human resources important?

What is Land resource?

The term “land resources” encompasses the physical, biotic, environmental, infrastructural and socio-economic components of a natural land unit, including surface and near-surface freshwater resources important for management.