Why is liquid and solid oxygen blue?

Why is liquid and solid oxygen blue?

3 Answers. This absorption requires light from the red region of the spectrum (~630 nm). If red light is absorbed , then blue light is transmitted or reflected and this gives rise to the blue color associated with liquid oxygen.

What is the Colour of oxygen in liquid and solid form?

Liquid oxygen and solid oxygen Oxygen becomes solid at temperatures below -218.79℃. In both its liquid and solid states, the substances are clear with a light sky-blue colour. Liquid oxygen is a physical form of oxygen.

What color is oxygen in its liquid form?

pale blue color
Liquid oxygen has a pale blue color and is strongly paramagnetic: it can be suspended between the poles of a powerful horseshoe magnet.

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Why does oxygen have no color?

So gaseous oxygen is colourless because all light in the visible range is reflected/re-emitted by gaseous oxygen. It doesn’t absorb any of it, so we just see straight through the gas (transparency).

Is liquid oxygen colorless?

Properties: Oxygen gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. The liquid and solid forms are a pale blue color and are strongly paramagnetic.

Is oxygen gas transparent?

When a photon strikes an oxygen pair it is re-emitted in the same direction in which it was traveling. Therefore the O2 molecule appears transparent.

What color is oxygen as a solid?

Solid oxygen forms at normal atmospheric pressure at a temperature below 54.36 K (−218.79 °C, −361.82 °F). Solid oxygen O2, like liquid oxygen, is a clear substance with a light sky-blue color caused by absorption in the red part of the visible light spectrum.

Why is oxygen Colourless?

In oxygen, this Photon absorbance frequency do not lie in the visible spectrum and hence you don’t see any colour. It’s a colourless gas. 🙂 In case of oxygen energy gap between HOMO and LUMO is high, so energy required for this transition lies in invisible region.

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What colour is solid oxygen?

Solid oxygen O2, like liquid oxygen, is a clear substance with a light sky-blue color caused by absorption in the red part of the visible light spectrum.

Why does solid oxygen appear blue in colour?

This is a straight concentration effect. Liquid and solid oxygen absorb the components of white light beyond blue and towards the red, thus giving the scattered photons a blue colour that travels through solid and liquid oxygen.

What is the colour of O2 gas?

Gaseous oxygen has no colour. Plasma, liquid, or solid oxygen apparently have a pale blue colour! Colour arises due to the absorption and emission of visible light by an atom or molecule. Each atom or molecule only absorbs and emits at particular wavelengths of light.

What is the color of oxygen X2?

O X 2 exists as a paramagnetic, triplet since the two electrons in its two (degenerate) HOMO orbitals are unpaired. There are 6 known phases of solid oxygen with color ranging from pale blue to red to black. In the liquid phase it has a light blue color.

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What is the color of hydrogen gas?

Well, the answer is: it depends on its physical and chemical state. It is colorless when in gas form; pale or sky blue when in liquid, and shades of blue, red, and black-metallic when in solid state.