Tips and tricks

Why is my cake undercooked in the middle but not on the sides?

Why is my cake undercooked in the middle but not on the sides?

It could be that too much fat has been used to grease the tin; the cake tin wasn’t lined sufficiently; the oven was too hot; the cake was left in the oven for too long or a fat that is not suitable for baking has been used.

What do I do if my cake is still raw inside?

So how do you fix undercooked cake? If the cake is undercooked overall, put it back in the oven for 10-15 minutes. If the middle part is still wet, cover the cake with foil and bake for up to 15 minutes. If the bottom is moist, turn off the upper heat or cover with foil, and cook for a few minutes.

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Can undercooked cake be baked again?

Here’s a solution: If you find you underbaked your cake soon after removing it from the oven and it’s still hot, pop it back in and bake it at least another 10 to 15 minutes more. Remember to do the doneness test before removing from the oven and cooling.

Can you get food poisoning from an undercooked cake?

Your cake might be the most tempting dessert in the room. But if it’s undercooked, it’s better to stay away from it. You can get a bad case of food poisoning if you attempt to eat an undercooked cake. Raw eggs in the cake can contain salmonella which could result in food poisoning.

How do I know if my cake is undercooked?

How to tell if a cake is undercooked. Have a look at the sides of the cake to see if they have pulled away from the pan. The edges should have dried out and turned crisp as they cooked. A sign of an undercooked cake is when the edges don’t come away from the pan.

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Why is my cake sticky?

A tacky top is typically caused by covering or wrapping the cake before it’s completely cooled. This traps moisture inside, causing that sticky texture. Avoiding this pitfall is easy, just let the cake sit on a wire rack until totally cool. Even with these cake tips, you may still end up with a few flops.

Why is my cake not cooking in the middle?

When your cake isn’t cooking in the middle, it’s often because the oven was too hot or it wasn’t baked for long enough. Every oven is different, so you can’t always rely on the recipe’s timing and temperature.

Is your cake still undercooked even after it’s baked?

If you’ve noticed that your cake is still undercooked even after it’s had the given time in the oven, there is only one appropriate way to ‘fix’ it. Bake it for longer. As obvious as that sounds, many beginners still don’t bake their cake long enough and it remains undercooked.

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Why does my cake taste burnt after baking?

Your oven is either too hot or not hot enough. On one hand, you can have a burnt exterior before the centre of the cake is cooked, or you can have a cake that takes a very long time to bake and dries out. This might be because you’ve misread the recipe or you’re using a different kind of oven.

Why does my cake cook so fast in the oven?

Two things likely going on. Cake, like any other item in the oven, cooks faster on the outside, just because heat needs more time to reach the interior. Also, the metal pan is very effective at transmitting heat, so any part in contact with the pan cooks even faster.