
Why is my fish spazzing out?

Why is my fish spazzing out?

Shimmying is a symptom rather than a single disease, and an indication that a fish no longer has proper control of its nerves and muscles. It occurs when fish are under severe stress, most often because of environmental problems. The classic scenario is when mollies are kept in soft or acidic water conditions.

Why is my betta fish so hyper?

Your betta could be stressed. If he is new to your tank then for the first few days this could be the problem. Or perhaps he can see his own reflection, in which case he’s swimming in an aggressive manner to ward off the “other” betta fish. You may have heard that bettas survive in 1 gallon of water or less.

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Why is my betta fish agitated?

But if you notice your betta constantly darting around or any other skittish swimming behavior then you should figure out the cause behind it. Most likely it will be because he’s scared of other tank mates, but it could also be something in the tank or outside the tank that’s putting him on edge.

Why is my betta fish swimming up and down?

Why is my betta swimming up and down the sides of the tank? This is called glass surfing and it’s usually a sign that a fish is unhappy in its environment. That means he is experiencing stress of some kind. It could be because of poor water conditions, or it could be because the tank is too small.

Why is my betta fish swimming straight down?

Fish suffering from swim bladder disorder exhibit a variety of symptoms that primarily involve buoyancy,1 including sinking to the bottom or floating at the top of the tank, floating upside down or on their sides, or struggling to maintain a normal position.

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Why is my betta fish swimming erratically?

If you notice your betta fish swimming erratically, the first thing you need to find out is what’s causing the behavior. Erratic swimming can have many causes ranging from neurological damage to water quality, so it’s good to have a base knowledge on all the common causes.

Why is my fish darting around?

Your fish could be darting around because of the ammonia burning. Blood lines in fins could be from same thing. How often do you change some of the water? I think its because of high ammonia.did u check ur water parameters. Because of my disability, not often as I should.

Why is my fish swimming erratically all the time?

Erratic swimming can also be caused by skin or gill flukes, which can be a little harder to detect. A fading in your fish’s color or change in the appearance of his gills—such as excessive visible mucus—can be indications of skin or gill flukes.

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Why is my goldfish swimming in circles all the time?

What it could mean: Although some circular movement is normal, a fish—and particularly a goldfish—that is constantly swimming in circles—especially in a rapid, darting motion—could have ammonia poisoning. Ammonia poisoning can happen in an aquarium when ammonia and nitrite, which are poisonous to fish, builds up in the water.