Tips and tricks

Why is my guitar bridge cracking?

Why is my guitar bridge cracking?

Acoustic guitar bridges can sometimes develop cracks. Often a ‘fault line’ along the wood grain is to blame. Occasionally, it’s strings and bridge pins getting jammed in too tightly or pulling at the wrong places. Sometimes a crack is indicative of a more extensive problem around the bridge plate or the guitar top.

Can you fix a broken guitar bridge?

If it pulls up too much or stays loose for too long, it can affect the sound of your guitar. There’s also a risk that the bridge itself will crack. If your bridge is cracked, replace it with a new one. However, if your bridge is still intact, you can re-glue it so your guitar will sound like it did when it was new.

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Why is my acoustic guitar bridge cracking?

Acoustic guitar bridges can sometimes develop cracks. Often a ‘fault line’ along the wood grain is to blame. Occasionally, it’s strings and bridge pins getting jammed in too tightly or pulling at the wrong places. Sometimes a crack is indicative of a more extensive problem around the bridge plate or the guitar top.

Can a guitar bridge warp or crack?

Although the bridge doesn’t normally warp or crack, while it’s attached to the guitar, these problems do come into picture when the bridge gets detached from the guitar. Once it loses its connection with the guitar, the tension of the strings can crack or warp the bridge. In some cases, extreme dryness can also crack the bridge.

What does it mean when a bridge cracks?

Occasionally, it’s strings and bridge pins getting jammed in too tightly or pulling at the wrong places. Sometimes a crack is indicative of a more extensive problem around the bridge plate or the guitar top. Sometimes, though, it’s just a crack.

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Why do steel string bridges fail?

While a bridge may develop stress cracks in any position as a result of dryness caused heat and/or low humidity, the two most commonly seen structural failures of steel string bridges are cracks through the line of bridge pin holes, and cracks in the area that supports the saddle.