
Why is my kitten aggressive after shots?

Why is my kitten aggressive after shots?

An adverse reaction can occur when your cat is exposed to some form of allergen, in this case, something within the rabies vaccine, and its immune system begins attacking itself.

Do distemper shots make cats feel bad?

Feline Distemper Vaccine Side Effects Uncommon side effects of either vaccine include pain or swelling at the injection site. Cats may hide for one to two days if they are uncomfortable or stressed from the veterinary visit. Another side effect of distemper vaccination is a vaccine reaction.

Why is my cat acting weird after vaccine?

Lethargy, a slight fever, and some mild discomfort are the most common side effects pets get from vaccines. This can be characterized by your pet not acting like their usual self. This is a normal reaction to vaccinations, and the symptoms should be mild and only last one or two days.

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How will my kitten be after being vaccinated?

Your kitten may be a little sleepy after their vaccine and you may notice a small lump at the site of the injection. This should resolve in 24-48 hours. Although adverse reactions to the vaccine are very rare, should your kitten become unwell after their vaccine, please let us know.

Does the distemper shot make kittens tired?

The most common side effect Eddy sees after vaccinating cats is general lethargy the day of and the day after, but that can actually be a good thing. “Lethargy is typically a positive sign because it means the body is really being stimulated to make antibodies against the disease-causing organism,” he explains.

How long do distemper side effects last?

A small, firm swelling under the skin may develop at the site of a recent vaccination. It should start to disappear within a couple weeks. If it persists more than three weeks, or seems to be getting larger, you should contact your veterinarian.

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Does distemper shot make cats tired?

What Are the Side Effects of the Distemper Vaccine? The most common side effect Eddy sees after vaccinating cats is general lethargy the day of and the day after, but that can actually be a good thing.

Are kittens tired after shots?

Do kittens sleep more after vaccines?

Your kitten may be a little sleepy after their vaccine and you may notice a small lump at the site of the injection. This should resolve in 24-48 hours.

How many distemper shots do kittens get?

Feline distemper is a severe contagious disease that most commonly strikes kittens and can cause death. 1 dose is given a year after the last dose of the initial series, then every 3 years.