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Why is my teenage daughter so tired all the time?

Why is my teenage daughter so tired all the time?

There are lots of potential causes of fatigue. Medical causes can include anemia, Lyme disease, low thyroid, other chronic medical issues, or medication side effects. Mental health issues such as excessive stress, depression or dysthymia can also cause significant fatigue.

Why does my daughter sleep so much?

Teenagers’ bodies are growing at the fastest rate since they were toddlers, and the hormonal changes that are taking place are huge. Another normal reason for seemingly perpetual sleepiness is a biological shift in the circadian — the Body Clock. During puberty, the normal sleep patterns shift to later.

What are the most probable cause for tiredness among students?

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Share on Pinterest There are many reasons for tiredness, including a lack of sleep, poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and medical conditions.

Why do I get tired as soon as I start studying?

You’re going through a brain strain. And the more we use our brain to perform mental tasks, the more energy (i.e. glucose) is being used. This results in less glucose in the blood for other parts of the body, leading you to feel extreme exhaustion after long hours of thinking.

Why do students feel tired after school?

Here are top 7 reasons that make students feel tired once they reach home after school! Adolescence- the time for change When it is the adolescent period, students tend to feel tired, stressed, become couch potatoes and at times low performing — these are all signs of deeper frustrations that they undergo while embracing change.

What does it mean when you say “I’m tired?

Sometimes, though, “I’m tired” actually takes on a deeper meaning. For those with mental illness, saying they’re tired can indicate a bit more than the fact that they didn’t get enough shut-eye the night before. Mental health advocate Pauline Palita explained perfectly why those suffering from mental illness are so exhausted.

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What are the effects of fatigue in students?

Fatigue in students can lead to decreased performance in tests and sleeping in class (which means falling behind in the class), and it becomes a vicious circle of having to catch up at home and missing even more sleep. A healthy amount of sleep for a teenager in high school is actually 9.5 hours, but on average, they only get 7.5.

How much sleep do teenagers need in high school?

A healthy amount of sleep for a teenager in high school is actually 9.5 hours, but on average, they only get 7.5. Not getting enough sleep can make a teen irritable, tired, and depressed, which leads to a downfall in grades.